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those who have WTM graduates in/finished with college

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We are on our second year of homeschooling. I began with living books, but am quickly moving more securely into following the WTM method. We began Latin this year (Latin for Children, loving it). I have a 5th and 3rd grader. To be honest, I began without ever thinking I would homescool all the way through, though I have two high schoolers in the public school system and often think "I could have taught that." I'm beginning to think, maybe we can go all the way. I know there are success stories, but locally I see so many schooled, especially girls, without college being the goal in mind. Can you guys give me your success stories so it seems more real?

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Just a quick one...have to get back to schooling the littlies.


DD1 not WTM because it wasn't out when we began :-) but CM and Great Books study...

Graduated Summa Cum Laude w/ BA in Graphic Design and Technology.


DD2 graduated homeschool...WTM w/ Ambleside Online 3rd year college student...grad w/ AAS in Independent Studies Focus on Liberal Arts....going on to become Physical therapist...GPA 3.98


Ds 1 Graduated last year..WTM w/ Ambleside Online 1rst year CC...So far...straight A's majoring in Alternative Energy/ Engineering.


So...yes, it is do-able...but requires a great deal of work and a solid commitment to see it through.


Good Luck,


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Don't know if I'd call them WTM graduates, but I have graduated two from hs.


DD is a college grad and has begun her Master's in English. Her goal is to obtain a PhD and teach lit at the college level. She graduated summa cum laude.


DS is a college freshman, majoring in pharmacy. He was in the top 2% of the incoming pharmacy class...I know this because he got a scholarship and at his school they only give scholarships to the top 2%.


DS2 is in 3rd grade, and I certainly plan to hs him through high school.

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Not graduated yet, he's a senior in high school. However, I have to say teaching high school is awesome. You get to reap the fruit of your labors. You have laid the foundation during logic and grammar years. Now you can discuss those ideas with your child, and see them trully make connections. And they have time to follow their passions. I was so nervouse about high school, but I am so glad we chose this route.

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Schooled oldest thru high school (multiple schools before that)--he's a Freshman at Virginia Commonwealth U, with an A average in his 5 classes so far (but no finals yet). He says he liked being homeschooled but wishes he had celebrated a real graduation. He had refused a ceremony, and had taken the GED because VCU required it of homeschooled applicants.


If I had to do it again, I'd have him write a heck of a lot more--we did the chronological history (one year out of whack, but we made up for it), used Omnibus for two years and did our own GB study ala WTM (but not as much writing, arrgggh!).


I may follow WTM to the letter for dd, if we homeschool that long. High School is a great time for homeschooling--I have to say my son has very high morals, and feels that he doesn't fit in with the Freshman around him (b/c he's not with every girl who walks by, doesn't drink, and actually cares about his classes--not the typical, "wow, I'm free!" kind of kid). I know that's partly because he wasn't exposed to so much carp as the kids in hi sch around here, where "normal" is sex, drugs, rocknroll, disobedience, sneaking around, and getting by with the least you can do. I'm overgeneralizing, of course, but those attitudes are far, far more prevalent than most parents realize. Hi Sch is not the same as it was 25 years ago.


ETA--not that I'm against rock n roll.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My oldest son will have his bachelor's in Accounting/Finance at the age of 20, his MBA at 21. He is now on his 3rd year of college and attending the William and Mary School of Business, when most kids with his birthday are just starting college.


I must say though, that he is not the norm for most of the homeschooled graduates we know, and probably won't be the norm for my other kids either. However, I still expect good things for them. :-)

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Does he ever run into SWB? lol


LOL! No. His major takes him to classes far out of her way. He doesn't even know what she teaches.

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