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Grammar and Writing


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My first grader staggers grammar (FLL) with copywork, and occasionally has copywork in his grammar lesson. He doesn't have a formal writing curriculum.


Starting somewhere in third grade my older two moved to doing both daily. My logic stage kidlet does R&S English and Classical Writing daily, and does writing for science and history. My end of grammar stage kiddo does a FLL lesson daily, and Classical Writing four days a week. She also writes for science and history, but no outlines yet.

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Do your dc do both each day, or do you alternate?


I'm in limbo about this.


I like the idea of doing both every day... to help with retention in terms of grammar as well as become more proficient with composition. I haven't found that balance yet with our 9yo ds and I fear I may incite a hate for English altogether if he's overwhelmed.


I do like the ideas of copywork, dictation, and narration but FLL didn't work for him and he groans when I pull out WWE. Funny, because he seemed to do well wit FLL 1/2, but 3 is just a different story. He also didn't complaing near as much with WWE 1, but with WWE 2 he's wanting to do something different?


Sorry, I'm no help... really just commiserating (aka - whining). :tongue_smilie:Curious what others have to say?

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My 11 yr old is using Analytical Grammar and Classical Writing. Luke will complete the season of AG (10 weeks) then start on CW Homer. So he doesn't have formal writing at the same time as grammar, but he does have other writing assignments for history/science/literature.


My 9 yr old is using Classical Writing Aesop B, and she alternates one week on the analysis and imitation, which includes grammar, with a week working on the writing project. She completed FLL3 last school year. Again, she has other writing she does for history.

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We do both. We started with JAG and my intention was to complete it in 12 weeks, then continue with CW Aesop B. About half way through JAG we decided to start our writing program. We do both every day. Grammar takes about 20 minutes and writing about 30, so it's not big sacrifice. Ds loves CW. JAG, not so much. ;)

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