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Anyone using Classical Writing?


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We've just started Aesop and we are doing R&S Spelling 4 (though fairly independently). My kids think it's fun and it takes them very little time. I spend more time talking analyzing the words I choose from CW than on the R&S words for the week. For handwriting, we've worked through a cursive program and since that's a new skill we do it separately (though combined with copywork, some of which does come from Aesop).


Does that help?



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We are in our second week of CW (and loving it now that some wonderful people on this board have cleared up my confusion).


My third grade twins are using the spelling and the vocab as spelling words. They were doing Phonetic Zoo by IEW - Level A and doing quite well with that and they loved it and so did I. now that we have the hang of CW, I am going to try and figure out a way to add Phonetic Zoo back in even if it is just twice a week.


The twins have been writing in cursive since the middle of first grade so everything they do is in cursive.


HTH :)

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We're using CW Homer. Dd uses a copybook instead of doing the assigned copywork for the week and this doubles as her handwriting as she writes it in her best handwriting. I plan on adding one more dictation besides the one in each week. We do additional writing on the side and that is it. We are using the Harvey's Elem. Grammar too.




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We love CW! However, over the years I've adapted my own way of using it.


In the early years, we use WWE instead. Around 6th grade, we do a crash course in Aesop/Homer (older beginners). Then in 7th grade, we start into Diogenes and go "on schedule" from there.


Right now I have an 8th grader in Diogenes Chreia, a 6th grader working on finishing the Homer skills, and a 2nd and 3rd grader doing WWE.

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Do you use the older beginner's book or do you just sort of speed through Aesop & Homer? I have both core books but CW isn't happening right now. DD did Aesop A last year, but I switched to WWE this year b/c I felt like she needed to strengthen some foundational skills b/f moving on. I'm wondering if I could make up my own older beginner's course next year.

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If you are using it, do you really need an additional handwriting and spelling program like they recommend?


Love CW! I have my oldest in Homer A & Beginning Poetry A and my 2nd dd in Aesop A. I do continue to use HWT in the younger grades, but my oldest only uses CW for handwriting. What I love so much about CW is the mastery approach to work. Though the spelling, while being good, is not really at a mastery level. It is more reinforcement of what the child has hopefully already learned. Thus I do continue to do a spelling program with it.




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I'm using CW Aesop B with my fifth grader. In Aesop, all the grammar you need is included. I don't think that's the case for Homer and above, where the author specifically says you need an additional grammar source.


In our case, I chose to add Junior Analytical Grammar at the Aesop level because we never did much grammar in prior years and I wanted ds to acquire mastery this year. There's just not that much to know about grammar, iykwim.


Each lesson, the author suggests 3 or 4 spelling words from the models and describes a system for analyzing them. She includes instructions for adding additional spelling words from your other subjects. My take from a first reading was that I was going to need an additional book to teach me how to teach my son to annalyze spelling words. Instead, I chose to continue with our Spelling Workout books which have worked out very well for us, and include phonics as a bonus.


As to penmanship, there is none. If your dc are still practicing penmanship, you have to provide that separately.

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