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Singapore 1A Number bonds


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I'm using 1A with my 6.5 yr old son and I'm so glad I didn't skip it. We are working on number bonds and I'm wondering if you continue on with the lessons although the child has not memorized all of them yet or do you stay on number bonds until they know them all. I do have the HIG for standard and it gives an option to teach the number bonds all at once and review or I could make sure he has memorized each number bond and then move on. Just want to know what has worked from experience. Today we covered 7 and things started clicking for him but he still doesn't know all of the 7's by memory yet. So tomorrow should I do 7 again or should I go to 8 and review seven?


Sorry for being so wordy


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We just started 1A so we haven't gotten to the number bonds, but I plan to do flashcard drill of them daily and add in the new ones as we go. I am going to do 3 min. of drill before going over the textbook lesson every day.

There is a singapore math yahoo group that has some neat print out number bond cards for ms word. It actually has a lot of print outs that help. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SingaporeMath/

I figure doing flashcard drill daily that my ds 6.5 will pick them up fairly quickly. We will just move forward with the book and then review when the time comes.

Edited by OpenMinded
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Guest Alte Veste Academy

We moved on because DS understood the concept. If he didn't have the concept down, we would have stayed put and played around with that material more. We kept working on the number bonds as math facts while we moved on to the new material. Worked just fine.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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You can go beyond the number bond unit. The addition and subtraction units are reinforcing those same ideas. Dc get more practice during those units. I would want to stop and do some extra drill if the child doesn't know them well by the time you go on to sums over ten. The "make a 10" process really requires them to know those bonds well.

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I'm thankful to have found this thread. I didn't realize I had this question on my mind until I read this thread!


We are just getting into the number bonds for 10. I have been using the workbook and Intensive Practice as review. My son seems to get the concept but wasn't sure how to cement the facts. The game suggestions are perfect. THanks for posting those sites!! I'd rather do the games than drills. :D I think we may keep going through the book but use the games as a way to reinforce the math facts.

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We moved on because DS understood the concept. If he didn't have the concept down, we would have stayed put and played around with that material more. We kept working on the number bonds as math facts while we moved on to the new material. Worked just fine.




The games Laura posted look fun. I'll have to try those with #2.

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