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Recent events in my life.........

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My 14.5 year old son writes me the following note:


Dear Mom,


I am going to start this letter off with saying I am sorry I was a complete idiot for not listening to you about my research project.


I wasn't thinking straight.


You are a graduate student with a 3.65 grade point average from college. I want your help.




Son's First and Last name




At the grocery store, my youngest bouncy, would-be-diagnosed-with-ADHD-if-he-was-in-public-school child was, um, being himself. And did a split. Oldest son says "Wow. That looks painful." I say I can still do that. Oldest son is clearly disbelieving. I have him hold my purse and I show him right there near the door of the grocery store.




I am in the dining room working on my exams. DH is in the den and says something about "Brett Farve......" Oldest son abandons working on his own paper to investigate the Brett Farve information. My dd says "Brett Farve? Who is that? I don't want to ask Andrew because then he'll start telling me about how many RBI's Brett Farve has and stuff."




How was YOUR day?

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Not half as interesting, Joanne. Cleaned the garage a bit so as to have space for stuff we plan to sell. Came up with a name for the blog I hope to begin writing inhopes of earning some money working from home that way. Love the apology your son wrote, and the pic of you doing splits right there in the grocerystore. Thanks for sharing.

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Where to start . . .


Stayed up toooooo late last night but managed to homeschool. Dh took van that just had the tranny done BACK to the shop b/c it was acting up. Had to go pick him up as they want it overnight and we barely got home with his car. :glare:




I am now self medicating with chocolate, a glass of wine and you guys. :001_smile:

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You split comment reminded me of my neck hurting. Last week DS11 and DD10 started hip hop class, DS11 is not happy with me for signing him up. Their teacher told them this week they would do B-boy stuff. When we got home DD wanted to show me a B-boy move she taught herself while watching "so you think you can dance" (on tapes my dad recorded for me). In order to make DS11 see how fun it could be I decided to try the move myself. Let's jsut say my old, over weight body is not made to do B-boy moves. I fell. HARD. On my head.


Last night at 10:30 the kids were all fighting sleep and each other. SO I loaded up the van with 12 boxes/begs for goodwill and with the kids and drove to a drop off bin. Then went home and reloaded the van with our recycling and drove that to a bin instead of waiting for garbage day on Thursday. We finished at 11:15 and the kids were more than happy to go straight to sleep.

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You split comment reminded me of my neck hurting. Last week DS11 and DD10 started hip hop class, DS11 is not happy with me for signing him up. Their teacher told them this week they would do B-boy stuff. When we got home DD wanted to show me a B-boy move she taught herself while watching "so you think you can dance" (on tapes my dad recorded for me). In order to make DS11 see how fun it could be I decided to try the move myself. Let's jsut say my old, over weight body is not made to do B-boy moves. I fell. HARD. On my head.




That reminds me of the time that I, in a moment of sheer delusion, thought that I could still do a flip on the trampoline. My neck was not the same for at least a month.

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I went to Ross today to get some sweaters for my ever-growing 4.5-yo DD who now needs a size 6 instead of the size 3-4 she wore last winter. My 6.9-yo DS came with me. I picked up a shirt to look at it more closely and was told, "No, Mom. She won't touch that one. She'll like this." And proceeded to shop for his little sister. I think I got to pick one item. And she did love it all!




When we went to get DD from preschool this afternoon, she climbed in the car and asked me, "Mom, am I old enough to be a big sister?"


"Yes. Your brother was 2-1/2 when you were born."




"When can I be a big sister?"


Ummmm.... [pause to insert informational factoid for the reading audience that DH has had a little procedure]... "Why do you want to be a big sister?"


"Cause I had a dream at naptime today that I was a big sister and I WANT a baby in our house ALL the time."


After 45 minutes of crying as I attempted to explain that we aren't going to have a baby (that she doesn't really want anyway and would be so, so done with after the first 24 hours), she finally settled on seeing her baby cousin once in a while and "baby-sitting" the kittens.


Drama llamas unite!

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Gee, splits? And my kids thought it is cool that I can still do back flips on our trampoline and cartwheels across the living room. Where is the YouTube vid?

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