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More Language Arts ???


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I have some friends that are coming over here and they will be bringing books for us to use next year. I need to decide what we will use in the next few weeks so I can place the order to get to them in time to bring :). I like what we are using this year, but it does require alot of prep work from me. I'm pregnant and I'm worried that I won't be able to put in the same amount of time preparing once the baby gets here. So would the hive mind help me think through this...


Spelling--We currently use Dictation Day by Day, but I'd like a more workbook type approach for next year. I'm looking at Rod and Staff or Spelling Workout. If you used either of those, what did you think? How teacher intensive are they? I've also thought about using Simply Spelling, I'm just not sure what to thing about it, has anyone used this?


Grammar--I've been using the sentences from Dictation Day by Day and pulling out grammar points, but I also want to move to a workbooks style approach here. I'm looking at Growing with Grammar, Rod and Staff English or FLL 3. I'm concerned that FLL may be too teacher intensive, but then again it is scripted. So what does the hive think about these programs and the level of teacher involvement?


Writing--We are using WWE and are very happy with it so far, my inclination is to stick with this, but I'm worrried that I won't be able to put in the time. I had also planned on switching to CW Aesop halfway through next year, but I'm afraid that with the lack of sleep I won't be able figure it out. I've also looked at All Things Fun & Fascinating from IEW. What do you all thing about these?


I want to simplify things so that I can focus on getting the rest I need and adjusting to life with a new baby (it's been a few years :)). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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Here’s my two cents:

GWG is extremely easy to use in a hands off manner, you will need to sit down and go over things with you princess from time to time though. FLL and R&S may be slightly teacher intensive; however you may be able to do them with a new baby in the house, so it’s hard to say. I find that I have more time when I have a baby than when I have a toddler. ;)

I would stick with WWE, but I can’t say anything about the IEW program you mentioned. I haven’t heard of that one ...is it for younger kiddos? You might have time to read about CW while the new little one is napping! IMO, WWE only takes a minimal amount of time. That was really helpful, huh? LOL.

For spelling, it sounds like an abbreviated version of the program of your choice would work. Your dd will be picking up a lot of spelling in her writing and or copywork.

Those are my opinions, I’m sure you will receive many other ideas. Congrats on the new baby!! :)

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My 8 year old/second grader uses Spelling Workout, and it is very hands off. On day one of the week we read a 3 paragraph "story" that contains several of the spelling words (most kids could probably read this on their own but we have some reading/speech/language issues), and then do a short pretest of the words to see where we are. That is the extent of my involvement. I supplement with Spelling City (www.spellingcity.com; it's free, and you input a list of words and it creates games, tests, etc), and between these two I do no other hands on work with spelling other than giving the spelling tests.


Congratulations on your upcoming addition! Just wanted to say that we love your science program here! And I've just recently started using all those great files you provide on your yahoo group - thank you so much for sharing all of that!

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I have "All Things Fun & Fascinating" and it looks really good. The next time around, I'll probably have my 3rd grader use it, in addition to WWE. (Not that that helps you save time!) I find the IEW materials to be very easy to use, though. They spell out exactly what the student should be doing.

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I have All Things Fun and really like it. I've never used WWE, but from what I know, I would guess that IEW and WWE would be about equal in amount of time needed. I found CW Aesop and Homer to be too slow and time consuming for us in the elementary years - and I was really only looking for a writing program. I used All Things Fun last year with a 3rd grader, but plan to use it in 2nd grade after working through the CW primers with my next one.

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I would do Spelling Workout if your dd finds spelling relatively easy. I would also recommend trying FLL. I find that having a scripted lesson makes it brainless to teach. I had a learning curve when it came to around lesson 30 in FLL3. I hadn't taken much grammar aside from parts of speech, and I was never very clear on those either.:blink: It usually takes anywhere between 10-20 min. of my time. Some lessons are a bit longer but some are really short too. I find that having done all of the levels the new information comes in just the right-sized chunks. I can see switching into the program would be more work for the student at the later levels.


I just re-read your post and I realize that you haven't done FLL yet. I would recommend that if you go with FLL3 and you get it brought to you this year, that you do the memorization of def'ns before next year. I would do nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, prepositions, helping verbs. Having memorized the definitions in FLL1/2 my dd found it easy to add on the next level of definitions. When you chant them daily for a while it just gets stuck in your head.....


WWE- are you using the workbooks? If you're pulling together your own stuff then I would definitely get the workbooks. There isn't really anything easier. I will have done all WWE levels by the time dd is done level 4 this year. It is so much easier to just open the book and know that there's a good sentence waiting for you. Or that there are great questions that you can read to help clarify what you need in a narration. I have a tendency to skip things when it's not in a workbook format. My 2nd dd will have had way more practice with dictation just because the workbook says to do it.:tongue_smilie: I just have a lot more confidence teaching my younger daughter because there is a piece of paper telling me to do something on this day(of course I'm also more confident cause I've done it once already). I don't have to rush around and find a good sentence like I did with her older sister.(and still do)


Congrats on the baby and happy choosing:D

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