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Protein bars? or other high protein snacks?

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The kids and I like to grab a protein bar (Power Bars, in our case)occasionally to eat when we are on the go, but Oy! the cost!


Can one make homemade protein bars? Or something baked that is rather low in sugar and spiked with protein powder?


Any ideas?


We've been doing without but really need some options!



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I am sure there is! I know oatmeal muffins etc are good for hungry, moving kids. I just don't always make them. :(


For quick power snacks, I choose hard-boiled eggs, cheese sticks, nut butters, etc because I am cheap. PB are $$$


I can look tomorrow, but when I did research, PB were like 10 grams of protein, & cheese sticks were 7 , but with far less sugar, and fewer additives.


Harboiled eggs give a ton of protein, and without the additives or sugar.


We also found that sugar-free nut butter on whole wheat to be all that, lol, plus with some fiber etc.


So: Hard-boiled eggs, cheese sticks, organic yogurt, nut butters on whole wheat bagels/bread, cheese or nut butter with whole wheat pretzles, apples, carrots etc --are some of what I pack for us when we are busy.

Edited by LibraryLover
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have you thought of making the peanut butter/protein powder balls? Yummy and high in protein. You could use a different nut butter, make your own, or use something like PB2 (50cal, 2g fat, etc) as a substitute.


Along with Laurie's ideas, you might consider things like making turkey jerky.


Like Laurie, my concern with protein bars (at least from a store) would be all the junk also included. Additives are bad period, and unless you've been doing a pretty heavy duty workout, you probably don't need the extra sugar either.

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and Sams. They're still a little more than I'd like, but they end up being more like 50 cents each rather than a dollar.

They really come in handy when I'm in a pinch, but I do try to use them conservatively. Some of the discount foods stores, where you find barely expired foods--will run them 5 or 10 for a dollar at times! We've found that sometimes they're a little melted, but my kids didn't notice. =)

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Can one make homemade protein bars? Or something baked that is rather low in sugar and spiked with protein powder?


YES! My DH found a recipe for homemade Clif-type bars on the web, and we have adapted it to suit us (he's not a nut-eater). We do put protein powder in them, but just a single scoop. He's a daily commuter cyclist, and really does need the extra oompf. We call ours, "Chad Bars" :) We buy the majority of the ingredients in bulk at our local "granola" type grocery store.


This is the recipe from which we started. I omitted the "light syrup" (blech -- I assumed he meant corn syrup). For sweetening, I like a combo of rice syrup, guava nectar and honey. I pulse the dry ingredients in our food processor, then transfer into a huge bowl, and add the combined wet ingredients. We bake ours in cupcake pans. I make big batches of them, then freeze them in ziplocks. They don't even need to really thaw before you eat them.

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Here's an Alton Jones protein bar recipe--




This looks helpful:




(Can someone send me to a Pretty Link tutorial, because I have no idea...)


You mean Alton Brown? Somebody please try these recipes and share! Then tell us it will be alright if we try our hand at it.

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Here's an Alton Jones protein bar recipe--




This looks helpful:




(Can someone send me to a Pretty Link tutorial, because I have no idea...)

I've never had an Alton Brown recipe turn out badly. We love the brown rice crispy treats from that episode.


(Laurie - type the text you wish to be the "pretty" part, then highlight it. Click the little globe/chain icon on the top of the reply window, paste the link into the little pop-up that, well, pops up.)

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have you thought of making the peanut butter/protein powder balls? Yummy and high in protein. You could use a different nut butter, make your own, or use something like PB2 (50cal, 2g fat, etc) as a substitute.


Along with Laurie's ideas, you might consider things like making turkey jerky.


Like Laurie, my concern with protein bars (at least from a store) would be all the junk also included. Additives are bad period, and unless you've been doing a pretty heavy duty workout, you probably don't need the extra sugar either.


Could you give a good recipe for your PB balls? And what is PB2?



This thread is like a foreign language to me, as I have never ever had a protein bar, the list of ingredients and the calorie count scared me away, lol. I plugged the magpieeats recipe into a nutrient analyzer worried about all that honey, but 3x3" squares which I would consider a large serving (right?) are only 141 calories and a long list of vitamins, etc. Protein count is over 6g.


I do know that when I eat a snack with 4 or 5g of protein it keeps me full for quite a while, so this might be a good low calorie high protein mid day snack. Thanks!

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