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History Encyclopedias - Which One.


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We're using SOTW: Ancient Times and it references four encyclopedias, Usborne Book of World History, Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia, Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World, and Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. Which do you like? What are the differences?


We don't mind buying a pair as we'll be using them for a while and have a 2-yo that will follw behind.


Grammer question: I was taught that in a series to place commas between each item (even after the item before the "and") but when I do that in business my editor always removes that last comma. Working with my ds8 I see FLL does it my way. Which is it? I like the comma in there, seems right to me since I pause before moving on to the last item in the series.


I guess this might go along with why we no longer use dashes in phone numbers, having replaced them with periods. Makes no sense to me, same number of keystrokes so it's not an efficiency issue. Anyone care to explain?


Obviously, grammer is not my subject!

Edited by Jim
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I think right now both ways on a lot of those things are acceptable. Technology is changing the way people do things, type, punctuate, and spell.


As far as the history encyclopedias, that's really kid-specific. If you haven't yet bought it, the Usborne TimeTraveller book was my dd's absolute favorite for a few years there. You don't really have to have a history encyclopedia on top of SOTW, not for an 8 yo. It just depends on what they like. Show them the sample pages on amazon or go to the bookstore and see what catches their fancy. Your money might be better spent on historical fiction or project books. Just depends on what your dc likes.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Well, I use three history encyclopedias, because I am teaching three children of different levels at the same time with SOTW.


We read the SOTW chapter together, and then the boys do their own various assignments. They do all use history encyclopedias.


We use the Usborne Book of World History for ages 6-9. Henry reads the pages that correspond to the SOTW chapter. He then draws two or three illustrations and writes three or four sentences.


We use the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of History for ages 10-12 or so. Jonas writes a summary of what he reads, draws a few illustrations (including a map), and copies down information about important people and dates.


Nathaniel, age 13, uses the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. He outlines and does additional research; I usually give a writing assignment of some kind based on the topics he's studying.

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