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i thought I was crazy, but I don't think I'm alone

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So I headed to bed at 11pm. As if timing couldn't have been more perfect my two year old calls for mom. He had thrown up and it dripped behind the bunk bed. Dh and I clean it up dismantling half the bunk bed and put him back to bed. 12pm I climb into bed only to be woken at 3am with someone in my bathroom. It was the two yo again. Potty trained well enought to get up in the middle of the night. He had diareah. So after helping him and putting him back to bed. I hop in bed only to never fall asleep. So I think I'll hop on the boards and finish up my HS plans. I was shocked here it is 4am and there are 70 people on this thread. Maybe it has something to do with the time zone difference, but I still think we are all CRAZY. It is so nice to come to a place where you're not the only one who is crazy. Thank you all for making crazy seem normal.:tongue_smilie:

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So I headed to bed at 11pm. As if timing couldn't have been more perfect my two year old calls for mom. He had thrown up and it dripped behind the bunk bed. Dh and I clean it up dismantling half the bunk bed and put him back to bed. 12pm I climb into bed only to be woken at 3am with someone in my bathroom. It was the two yo again. Potty trained well enought to get up in the middle of the night. He had diareah. So after helping him and putting him back to bed. I hop in bed only to never fall asleep. So I think I'll hop on the boards and finish up my HS plans. I was shocked here it is 4am and there are 70 people on this thread. Maybe it has something to do with the time zone difference, but I still think we are all CRAZY. It is so nice to come to a place where you're not the only one who is crazy. Thank you all for making crazy seem normal.:tongue_smilie:


It's 7:30 here. My 2yo woke me up at 5. He got up and tried to put on cartoons, but got stuck on the tv guide channel. Dh was supposed to be home by 3 (big job at work) and wasn't home yet. I called to make sure he was alive (he was), and have been up since!


I am a bit crazy, but I think it's saner to be here at dawn than doing housework. :D

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