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My cats are acting strange......

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Something has happened between my cats and I haven't a clue what's up. Has anyone here had a similiar situation? Two days ago I was woken up by screaming. I did not know what it was. At first, I thought maybe it was the kids. Thank goodness, no. Then I didn't know if it was one of the cats or a wild animal outside. The sound stopped and I went back to bed. I lay there thinking maybe something truly awful had happened to one of the kitties. Well, I came downstairs a little later and they both looked fine. However, one of them was in the closet and she had pooped in there. (She never did that before.) I started to think maybe she was sick. Then, whenever, one got near the other, one growls. If they get too close, there is full blown warfare. They have play fought before. This is not playing. There is hissing, screaming, clawing. Also, the other morning I found half (yes, only half) a dead mouse. A little later there was another mouse, almost dead with one of the cats nearby.


So this all started the night before last and is still going on. One of the cats has stayed most of the day on top of the kitchen cabinets. I'm thinking maybe this feud has something to do with the mice. Not sharing their yummies nicely perhaps? I don't know. This is one time I really wish they could tell me what's going on.


Any perspective on this?


Thanks, Woolybear

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How old are they, what sex, and have they been spayed/neutered? Definitely sounds like territorial issues to me...


I wondered about this, too. I'd either say you have an unspayed female in the house, or there's a female in heat outside and it's causing some confusion. Females in heat = lots of "treats" turning up.

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Something has happened between my cats and I haven't a clue what's up. Has anyone here had a similiar situation? Two days ago I was woken up by screaming. I did not know what it was. At first, I thought maybe it was the kids. Thank goodness, no. Then I didn't know if it was one of the cats or a wild animal outside. The sound stopped and I went back to bed. I lay there thinking maybe something truly awful had happened to one of the kitties. Well, I came downstairs a little later and they both looked fine. However, one of them was in the closet and she had pooped in there. (She never did that before.) I started to think maybe she was sick. Then, whenever, one got near the other, one growls. If they get too close, there is full blown warfare. They have play fought before. This is not playing. There is hissing, screaming, clawing. Also, the other morning I found half (yes, only half) a dead mouse. A little later there was another mouse, almost dead with one of the cats nearby.


So this all started the night before last and is still going on. One of the cats has stayed most of the day on top of the kitchen cabinets. I'm thinking maybe this feud has something to do with the mice. Not sharing their yummies nicely perhaps? I don't know. This is one time I really wish they could tell me what's going on.


Any perspective on this?


Thanks, Woolybear

I had the exact same thing happen. They were suddenly fighting and the little cat was acting scared and hissing at the family. I went somewhere in the evening one day and found that the bigger cat was getting outside every day when DH had the garage door open and galavanting around for a few hours. Little cat didn't like the smell.
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Nata--they are both females, spayed and about two years old.


Specialmama--unfortunately as the weather gets colder we usually have enough mice to go around. I'm not importing any, lol! As a matter of fact, we first got the cats when dh was out of town for a couple of months and the mice problem was out of hand.


Sallie-- I'm sure they're both spayed. Well, I didn't do it actually:D, I just took the doctor and the animal shelter at their word. I assume they make sure it happens as they don't want any more kittens coming into the world.


Loved-- Wow, getting outside. I haven't even considered this. I'm pretty sure they are not, but there is a place one of them could get down to our scary very unfinished basement (which I'm sure has all kinds of kitty yummies-mice, snakes, etc.)




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Two of our 4 kitties are male and while all of the kitties are fixed, they can be fussy about their food or spots. We recently had a couple of days of male territory/bossiness issues but when they began to fight or pick on the females we would immediately break it up and reprimand both of them and separate them. After a few times of us asserting ourselves as the dominant 'cats' in the equation, the kitties calmed down.

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Well, we've been very busy all of a sudden. But with the mice being there on the same day, I'm thinking maybe that's part of the equation.


Also, in the past, when one has caught a mouse, they usually eat part, throw up part or whatever. It's gross, so I take it away and give them a treat in place of that (tuna usually). I was out of tuna and have forgotten to get it. Maybe we should get some tomorrow.



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it could also be because they are both females. The females seem to be more hunters than the males, at least in my house. Of my 7 cats, only the females will hunt and catch mice (I think the males would just watch the mice run by lol). Anyway, when one of them catches a mouse, she will growl at any other of the cats that even comes within 10 feet of her and her catch.. One day, we came home to blood smeared all over the floors. We checked all the cats, all were fine, so we decided that it must have been a battle over a mouse (never did find any remains tho).

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