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Need tips for getting science experiments done

Rhonda in TX

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I am such a slacker on science experiments. I know part of it is that I'm not prepared for them. I even tried ordering a kit from Home Science Tools, but found that there are just enough things not included that I still don't have what I need when I need it. Any tips (scheduling, supplies, whatever) that help you get it done?

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Hmm, yeah. I wouldn't go with a huge group. We really lucked out in that sense, that dd's friend started homeschooling. I was willing to do science lab on the weekends if he'd still been in ps!


Ordering full kits is also what's really helped us - the most I've had to supply for them is a manilla folder, some stables, scissors, and extra aluminum foil. I'm dreading the unit later in the year where I couldn't find a premade kit!

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We did not do a lot of experiments when my oldest dd was young. Now I do them with two friends on a scheduled "lab" day every two weeks or so. My oldest is doing Apologia Physical Science. The kids read the module and we get together towards the end of the module to actually do the experiments.


What about scheduling a block of time each week just for experiments. I think it is easier to do it this way, rather than stop and start as each experiment comes along.


What about doing experiments on the weekend? Perhaps that would be easier.


Editing to add, since your children are older, it might be easier just to give them the materials and let them do the experiments and clean up on their own. You would still have to provide the supplies, but that would be it.


Adrianne in IL

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I made Friday be Science Day. Before this, we rarely did experiments. I've got around a dozen kits from Young Scientist Club. Those have most of the things we need for experiments. I put the other things on my shopping list. :)


ETA: After we are done with the kits, we will do Janice VanCleave's kitchen science books.

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We do a lot of science labs. I use BJU science and there are labs almost every other day. We do them ALL. I make sure I look through the book every weekend because I do my shopping on Monday morning. I just add any needed supplies to my list.


In the summer I do make one order from Home Science Tools in preparation for the coming year. I get the supplies I think will be difficult to find, but I don't order the kits. When I look at what is in them, they don't have all the things I need and do have some things I can get easily - not a good fit.


Once I've spent the money on the hard to get things, I feel like I HAVE to use them! That helps me stay motivated.

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I put dh in charge of projects and experiments and ask him to pick up anything I need ahead of time. I write a list ;)


DH is supportive of homeschooling, but not involved in the actual instruction. And shopping? He would stop for an occasional item, but to send him out with a list? Not gonna happen. :D


Thanks for the idea, though. I'm officially jealous. :)

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is to do all the shopping for the supplies at once. I despise shopping, which is one of my problems. For example, DS needs kleenex for several experiments this week. I rarely buy kleenex, so I don't have it on hand. That means I have to go out for it. Ugh. It drives me crazy to have to go out for just a few things. I'm so bad at planning ahead.

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is to do all the shopping for the supplies at once. I despise shopping, which is one of my problems. For example, DS needs kleenex for several experiments this week. I rarely buy kleenex, so I don't have it on hand. That means I have to go out for it. Ugh. It drives me crazy to have to go out for just a few things. I'm so bad at planning ahead.


I do understand this. What my friend did was to buy ALL the supplies ahead of the time she needed for the whole year, and put them in a big box/container. This way she had everything she needed just to grab. I know it may be expensive, but it's one (or two) big trips and that's it. Just a thought. Good luck! :)

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is to do all the shopping for the supplies at once. I despise shopping, which is one of my problems. For example, DS needs kleenex for several experiments this week. I rarely buy kleenex, so I don't have it on hand. That means I have to go out for it. Ugh. It drives me crazy to have to go out for just a few things. I'm so bad at planning ahead.


I think this might be the answer. It's certainly one of the reasons Rainbow Science works so well for us: somebody else sent us a kit with everything already in it. :D Maybe you could gather a big box, do a big shopping trip, and breathe a sigh of relief for the rest of the year.



ETA: Are the labs not scheduled in Apologia?

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Editing to add, since your children are older, it might be easier just to give them the materials and let them do the experiments and clean up on their own. You would still have to provide the supplies, but that would be it.


Adrianne in IL



They're definitely old enough to do this and as long as you check their lab notes (make sure they're writing it down) and supervise, even from a distance, things should be fine. :)

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