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Kid's Room Remodels

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After 3 months (most of which was waiting for a very busy dh to fix the wall that he accidentally took out with a hammer), we have remodeled ds12's room.


He wanted blue on the ceiling and the top 2 feet to symbolize the sky. He wanted green on the wall to symbolize the forest. We chose what looked like wonderful colors on the paint chips. But when we painted, the green was that sickly green that you never see outside of a hospital. In fact, dh has scrubs exactly that color! So we got a darker green and I decided to sponge paint over the sickly green. Ds said it looked like foliage to him and begged me to do it on purpose all over the wall. When I was done, he then said he needed some clouds on the ceiling to go with the foliage. I then hid a small mouse in one corner. And to be nice, hid a bunny silhouette in dd7's pink room. My very "observant" kids didn't find it in 3 weeks. I finally had to tell them that they were there.:glare:


Dh was afraid that ds12's room was too juvenile for a almost teen-ager. Maybe, but he loves it. And I've had two much older teen visitors ask for rooms in the same theme!











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I love the mouse and bunny!


When my boys were very little, I came home from a trip, and my husband and son, who was about 5, had drawn little arched mouse doorways on the floor. When I asked who had done that, my oldest was uncertain about whether he was in trouble, so he said, "The baby did."

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