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Okay ladies who have had mammo's, fess up

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I would like to know the answer to this myself. If I hear someone(and I have a friend right now that is going through this), that has an abnormal mammo, they are sent for an ultrasound.


Plus, aren't ultrasounds safer as far as radiation is concerned?


I just caught a snippet of a medical radio show, sorry I cannot offer any better reference for this, but the physician being interviewed was suggesting that if you had a tumor, a rough mammogram could rupture it. (FWIW, I think those odds may be on the smallish side - not booKs, but the probablilities.) Her alternative suggestion was not an ultrasound, but an MRI.


Disclaimer, I am not a physician! But I will ask my doc about it before it's time for my next screening.

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This is why I was asking. I was not told if there is a "better" time to go.


FWIW, my mammo clinic tells patients that the third week of the menstrual cycle is recommended because, for some reason, the results are most accurate then. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with comfort levels :glare: but then, what is the purpose of the test? I want no false positives, no false negatives.... so I comply with their recommended timing.


Sorry I keep replying in snippets - I really should read all the replies before posting - so much for jumping on when i have 5 minutes at a time!

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I had my first one this year, as well.


Before I left I told my husband I was going to treat myself to a Starbucks Venti Hot Cocoa afterwards as a reward.


However, it was not big deal and when I left I felt guilty for getting Starbucks because I didn't think my Mammo appointment earned me one.


Now the dentist......


Any visit to any healthcare professional deserves a Starbucks either before or after. :D


My mammos have been uncomfortable, but not painful and I have dense breasts. The first time was definitely the worse - not knowing what to expect and all. I have only had to put stickers on when I've had a particular area in question or to show the scar tissue from my biopsy from a couple years ago. I still see a breast surgeon somewhat regularly so the mammo is usually scheduled a few days before I go to see him. I get a letter from the radiologist in less than a week after the mammo. I'm sure this varies a lot depending on the facility but you should be able to ask them when you can expect to hear from them.

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So, are you all saying I should treat myself after my mammo? I have huge health anxiety, and I am only going because a friend of mine told me if I didn't go, she was going to come up from FL and kick my keester.(I shouldn't of made the appt, good excuse for me to see her:D)


Will update everyone when I get back. Thanks:001_smile:

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On the question of a mammo while nursing...


Am I the only one that immediately pictured a Super Soaker Water Gun reaction to that? I can't imagine how badly I'd hose down the wall opposite if I tried a mammo while nursing :lol::lol::lol:




I had a similar vision. :D I really can't imagine it. I would have definitely made a mess, too.

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I've had several and they're not a big deal. Could be because I'm "not a big deal" if you catch my drift.:glare: I had to go back for a second because the first was abnormal and that hurt a bit, but not for too long. The one thing I really dread is my annual "peek-a-boo". Now that one I have to take a valium for.;)

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