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Need help finding "Grammar of History" timeline chant


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When my kids were in a private classical Christian school, they did a timeline chant that a friend (whose kids are still at the school) tells me is called the "Grammar of History." I can't seem to find it anywhere (as a CD or written down), so I thought I'd check to see if anyone here knows about it. I've emailed dd's former teacher (twice :glare:) and still haven't heard back.


Anyway, it goes something like this:


"Egyptians settle in the Nile River Valley (pause) circa (small pause) 4000 BC"


Etc. They also did some hand motions with it. It was a chant, not a song.


Anyone? :bigear:




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Okay, I heard back from the teacher. Here's the scoop:


New Covenant Schools in Lynchburg, VA developed the timeline--I think it's actually called History of the World Timeline. I emailed the headmaster, and he said they would send me the instructions and a CD for $99. A bit pricey, so I'm debating. I REALLY would like it--here it is, almost 2 years since she's so much as heard it, and dd can still recite parts of it. It's really a cute, catchy little chant. I wish you could see a sample video of it being recited somewhere online, but I can't find anything.


So we'll see...:001_unsure:


Thanks for all the responses!



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Agreed, on the cost issue.


Trouble is, I tried doing the VP CDs and my kids HATED them. As in, pitched a complete and total fit when I tried to play it the second time (not on the same day). I'm not willing to fight that. They seem to like chants better than songs, for the most part, when learning things like that. And I am no good at making up stuff like that--just not creative enough, I guess.


So we'll see...



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I googled history timeline and Classical Conversations hand motions and found a couple of Youtube videos of people doing the classical conversations sentences with hand motions.





Is the chant your daughter learned anything like the ones above?


I'm not very creative, but I think $99 is rather pricey for something one could probably put together oneself.


Any takers to collaborate on motions to go with the following sentences (from SOTW1)?

You could change or add to the sentences as you'd like.


• Sumerian Cuneiform was the earliest known writing developed around 3200 BC

• King Narmer unified upper and lower Egypt in 3000BC.

• Huang Di - The Yellow Emperor reigned in China from 2698 to 2599 BC.

• Cheops built the Great Pyramids at Giza in 2500BC.

• Sargon the Great of Akkad began the conquest of Sumer and found the

Akkadian empire in 2360BC.

• The Minoans lived on the island of Crete around 2200 BC.

• Abraham is considered the founder of the Hebrews and lived in 2100BC.

• Mohenjo-daro was a city of the Indus Valley civilization in India around 2000BC.

• Hammurabi became the leader of Babylon and produced a code of laws in


• The Hyksos conquered Egypt about 1640 BC.

• The Mycenaeans lived in Peloponnesus, the southern peninsula of Greece,

between 1900 – 1100 BC.

• Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt reigned during the New Kingdom around 1480BC.

• Amenhotep IV worshiped the god Atena and abolished the other gods Egyptians

worshipped in 1350BC.

• Tuthankhamen, the boy pharaoh, reigned Egypt during the New Kingdom around


• The Exodus: Moses and the Israelites left Egypt in 1270BC.

• The Phoenicians were the best sailors in the Ancient world and were famous for

their war-ships. 1000BC.

• Homer’s composed his poems the Iliad and the Odyssey in 800BC.

• Rome was founded in 753 BC.

• Ashurbanipal was the last king of Assyria and reigned from 668 to 627 BC.

• King Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven

wonders of the Ancient World in 580 BC.

• Prince Siddhartha Gautama of India later became known as the Buddha –

meaning the “Awakened One.” He taught meditation & mindfulness as a way to


• Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Persian Empire and reigned from 559 to

525 BC.

• Confucius in China was born in 551 BC. He taught his followers to be peaceful,

honest and kind.

• The Peloponnesian Wars were between Sparta and Athens and lasted 60 years.

• Alexander the Great who lived from 356-323 BC, built an empire from Greece to


• The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Cartage from 250-150 BC.

• Shih Huang Ti, known as the “First Emperor” unified China for the first time.

During his Chin Dynasty he began constructing the Great Wall of China in 221


• Julius of Caesar, who established the Roman Empire, died in 44BC.

• Octavian declared himself Emperor Caesar Augustus, marking the birth of

Imperial Rome in 30 BC.

• Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in 4BC.


There are memory cards and timeline to go with these at the files section of this Yahoo Group. I've also done some for SOTW2 and pictures and cards for SOTW3.

Edited by Hannah
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Given that you *know* your dd loves it, and that it really works for her... Well, in that case, I think I'd be willing to bite the bullet and pay for it. (Or even make a counter-offer, lol...) *I* wouldn't pay that, sight-unseen, even though your review is intriguing, but if my kids had used parts of it and loved it and I knew it was "just their thing"? In that case, I probably would.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Anyway, it goes something like this:


"Egyptians settle in the Nile River Valley (pause) circa (small pause) 4000 BC"


Etc. They also did some hand motions with it. It was a chant, not a song.


Anyone? :bigear:





Hey There,


I'm wondering how it sounds..... If you're happy you ordered it....and if we could maybe here just a clip of it...



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  • 7 months later...

Hi Carrie! I meant to respond to your first bump of this, and...well, I just forgot. :blush: Sorry! I'm glad you bumped it a second time.


I did get this. It's really a neat tool. We haven't been consistent with it, though, which I was thinking about the other day. I think the problem is that I didn't schedule it in, and we just did it when I thought of it. That's always a mistake! We need to pick back up. Maybe over the summer...


My kids really like it. They enjoy being silly with the motions, which honestly sometimes gets on my nerves a bit. That may have contributed to the lack of consistent review. :glare:


Anyway, was it a good purchase for US? Probably. Would I recommend anyone else get it? Probably not. Cost being the main reason. I think there are other chants/songs that are effective for learning a history timeline that are a fraction of the cost of this one. See Hannah's post above, for example.


There you go!

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  • 3 months later...

I taught at a private school where this same time line chant was in use. It was fabulous and effective. I cannot recommend it highly enough; it's also a valuable tool for the adult who hasn't had the benefit of a classical education.

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