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central park thoughts

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My family and I will be heading to NYC next week for three days. One of the "sights" we'd like to make sure we see is Central Park. My question is should we do a buggy ride to see more of it, or is should we just go by foot. I just wonder if we go by foot, will we miss alot of it? Any thoughts? Dc are 10, 9, and 7 and don't mind alot of walking.



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I did a walking tour with my girls through Central Park a few years ago. I printed a map off-line and basically made my own tour, but it looks pretty similar to the family tour here. We spent the morning at the Natural History Museum then spent the afternoon walking through the park and going to the zoo. I think we could have missed a lot taking a carriage ride. One of my girls' favorite pictures to this day is of them sitting on the lap of the Hans Christian Andersen statue reading "The Ugly Duckling."


Have fun! We can't wait to go back to NYC with the kids.

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A carriage ride is fun, but not as a way to really experience the park. Walking is so much more fun. It's a good idea to bring a map with you. Visit the playgrounds, Belvedere Castle, and the zoo. Get a hot dog and a pretzel from the street cart. The Met Museum is right there on the east side (and 81st Street) and the Natural History Museum is right there on the west side (and 86th Street). It's a big park. There's so much to see. It's one of my favorite places in the world.


Have a great time in NYC!


p.s. I'd like to recommend some great places for kids:

The American Girl Store

The big Toys R Us in Times Square

FAO Schwarz (another big toy store. These are not just toy stores :D )

The Sony Wonder Museum

The Empire State Building

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Thanks for the advice about the park. I think we'll definately go with walking and I've printed out a map to take along. Thanks for the other ideas as well-I didn't consider going to the big "toy" stores, but I'm sure my kids would enjoy that. I think we'll skip the American Girl store though, as I have three boys!

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Dd and I went to NYC last year for her 9th. We did the Metropolitan Museum, Central Park Zoo, The Balto statue, a playground near the zoo that had a marble slide (big hit), Build-A-Bear on 5th Ave, and a NY pizza place that my sis picked. Dd loved it and now ds8 is wanting to go for his 9th. My sis lives there, so we stay with her.

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Thanks for the advice about the park. I think we'll definately go with walking and I've printed out a map to take along. Thanks for the other ideas as well-I didn't consider going to the big "toy" stores, but I'm sure my kids would enjoy that. I think we'll skip the American Girl store though, as I have three boys!


You wouldn't really think to visit a toy store, but these are incredible. Toys R Us has a huge ferris wheel inside, an life-sized animatronic T-Rex, giant lego creations hanging from the ceiling, toy demonstrations going on all over, and toys out to play with. FAO Schwarz has the demos and toys out as well, and the big floor piano (like in the movie "Big"). My kids love it.


Check out the sidebar of my blog under the "Manhattan" label (link below)and you can check out our trips to Central Park (castle, zoo, etc), Toys R Us, Build a Bear, museums, etc.



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