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If someone is "shamed" into not breast feeding because someone somewhere thinks bf is offensive, then that person has more problems than deciding how to feed their child. Seriously, that's just silly. Parenting is about doing what's best for your child, regardless of what others may think. I think encouraging people to be discreet ≠ shaming them. I think that's quite a stretch. I bf my son until he was 15 months old, and in public, when I had to. If someone had said that bf was gross or disgusting, I'd have called them ignorant. I was, however, always discreet about it. I wouldn't go to a bathroom (gross!) but I would sit in the back of a restaurant with my back to the crowd or sat in the car if the weather permitted. I wanted to make sure the baby was fed, feel comfortable doing it and not cause anyone else to be uncomfortable, as much as I was able.


I've known a lot of breastfeeders; more of them than bottle feeders, and I've never met a bottle feeder who said they were bottle feeding because someone shamed them into it. But, that's my experience, YMMV, que sera, etc. (And, personally, I couldn't care less if someone bottle feeds. For the most part, I trust parents to make their own choices for their own children. If they ask my opinion on bf, they'll get it; but not unless they ask, and even then, I'd really hope that my opinion wouldn't be the only one they'd rely on to make a decision for their own child)


And, I have acorn squash to add to the veggie throwing.


Thanks for this. It made me feel better.


I find it ironic that some of the other posters thought that I was "shaming" other mothers out of breastfeeding when I repeatedly stated that I supported breastfeeding. I breastfed my own kids. I also find it ironic that they seemed to think I was single handedly responsible for shaming these poor women. :001_huh: I looked back through the thread and I didn't even post until page 19. That's 19 pages worth of debates that included other posters encouraging modest breastfeeding. Those posters were doing just fine encouraging modesty without me. ;)


I also don't think that encouraging breastfeeding moms to be discreet equals "shaming" them. That seems silly to me too. That is quite a stretch. Why do people put words into other peoples mouths? :confused:


Like I said, it just proves how things can be wrongly "perceived."


Oh well, I'm ducking now because I can "see" the produce flying my way. :D I will fire back with cucumbers though! ;)

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I find it ironic that some of the other posters thought that I was "shaming" other mothers out of breastfeeding when I repeatedly stated that I supported breastfeeding. I breastfed my own kids. I also find it ironic that they seemed to think I was single handedly responsible for shaming these poor women. :001_huh: I looked back through the thread and I didn't even post until page 19. That's 19 pages worth of debates that included other posters encouraging modest breastfeeding. Those posters were doing just fine encouraging modesty without me. ;)
Nope. You were not the only one. It was mentioned that emphasizing modesty and discreetness will result in less mothers breastfeeding well before you posted.
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I find it ironic that some of the other posters thought that I was "shaming" other mothers out of breastfeeding when I repeatedly stated that I supported breastfeeding. I breastfed my own kids. I also find it ironic that they seemed to think I was single handedly responsible for shaming these poor women. :001_huh:


I don't think anyone thought that. The general *emphasis* on the importance of modesty-especially when some people insist you go to the car/bathroom, even you have other kids in tow-is what shames women and/or makes breastfeeding seem too inconvenient. For me, it was the most convenient thing in the world and I never thought twice about it.


I nursed for 7 years and never had anyone say I was showing too much skin and on more than one occasion surprised old ladies who went in for a closer look at the "sleeping baby" when I said "baby is feeding right now." I only used a blanket when they were newborns because latching them on was such a hassle.

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