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What is your favorite tip/product to make your face look younger?

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Hit 40 and it's like my face thought it had to look older :glare:


I've been drinking more water-that's kind of helpful. I wear SPF 30 sunscreen at all times and have for 4 years. But the eye wrinkles (can no longer be called "crinkles") are really bad due to sun damage. And where did the bags under the eyes come from? The "marionette" lines around the mouth are getting bad too. The actual skin tone isn't bad, it's more the wrinkles getting worse.


I bought a good OTC retinol (I think it was Neutrogena) and that helped for awhile but the effectiveness faded as the skin got used to it.


Got anything tried and true that's working for you? Help a sister out, would

ya? :)

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Well it's surprising how much better I look after a decent night sleep! I actually think I'm going to look younger next year than I do this year, because ds will be sleeping through the night! Other than that, raw food seems to make a big difference. We started eating more salads when we cut down the amount of animal products to "mostly vegan" level, so I'm not sure which has had the most impact.



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I know what you mean. I'm 46 and I feel like I have aged 20 years between 40 and now. I started a new regime about 4 months ago and the results are pretty good. I use a 2% beta hydroxy acid at night followed by Retin-A (the real stuff).


My lines are looking much better and my skin looks brighter and smoother.

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I read the book by Carol Alt "Eating in the Raw" and she says she hasn't had face work done (:confused:) but once she started eating raw everyone thought she had!


Hard to do all raw though-I read several books about it though and I'd been meaning to incorporate more raw, but then got busy over the last 8 mos or so. Thanks for reminding me about it! I'll start adding some more raw options in this next grocery shop. It's so good for you in so many ways anyway!

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I think that makeup with a little glow (not sparkle) fills in the lines and makes you look younger. My favorite product is MAC strobe cream. I put it on before my makeup and it just gives a more "dewy" youthful look to my skin. It's great to wear without makeup as well. It's a little pricey, but one tube lasts a LONG time when you just put a little on your face. They'll give you a sample at the MAC counter if you ask.

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I'd love to do Retin A-I know it's THE most effective thing. But insurance won't cover the derm visit OR prescription since it's cosmetic, and it would just be too pricey for us right now. :(


I bought my Retin-A online from a pharmacy in Mexico. I think it cost $30 and it will last a year easy. If you don't have a problem with doing it, it makes it affordable.

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I had really bad acne from about age 12-17. And I was on Retin A (prescribed by dermatologist), along with other medicines for all that time.


I am turning 45 but everyone thinks I am in my early 30's. I look younger than my younger brother (and have for years). It drives him crazy.


I have always looked younger than I am since I was a child though. I think genetics has a lot to do with it. My grandmother looked amazing at 92 and my father (who was seriously ill for over 20 years) still looked much younger than he was. My daughter is now getting used to everyone thinking she is much younger than she is.


My mother says its because I cheated and used retin A all those years ago.

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