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Paging Dr. Hive!

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I have right sided pain, that worsens with activity. Its below my ribs, wraps to just behind my hips and goes to my belly button in front.


I wonder if it has to do with getting my lidocaine injection in my left side of my belly...but the pain doesn't reach to there, and lidocaine numbs, not this burning pain.



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Gas? Gas pain can be all over and be really bad. Try some GasX--I've taken up to 4 in a short time (30-45 minutes).


Or maybe try some antacid--that sort of pain can refer to different places--I speak from experience and medical tests! lol. Gastritis pain was hurting severely in my back and around my liver/gall bladder.

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Thanks for the link, Blue. The pain is subsiding, but this awful exhaustion has set in, with a complete loss (almost) of spacial awareness. I went to have a sip of coffee, dumped it in my lap. Was in the yard with the kids, almost fell into the fence. I don't have vertigo either, just this lack of balance and feeling like I'm going to pass out and sleep.


I didn't hardly sleep at all, so I'm guessing that's what is causing it.

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