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Any Clematis growers?

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I just bought my first clematis today. It is the Comtesse de Bouchard. Does anyone grow her? Any tips? A few online searches have given my a few tips, but more are always welcome.


Also, I have 3 places I could put her in mostly full sun. Two places are against white and the other is against gray. If you grow this type of clematis, is the color going to stand out enough against white?



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I'm growing one, quite by accident. :) I have it up against my dog fence and when it blooms it is lovely. Don't remember what color, though.


This is probably the most neglected plant in the world, really. I water it 2-3 times/wk, keep the weeds pulled, but no special care. And it's thriving!


Sorry not to be more help!

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I don't have any growing advice, I just wanted to say that when I saw your thread, I remembered that I have mine in a bucket in the garage - probably very dead. We just put a new porch on our house the end of July and we were so busy with the building that I put the bucket in the garage "for a few days so it won't dry out"


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We've grown them for years. Ideally they like their "heads in the sun, feet in the shade". All that means is, like someone else said, mulch them or plant a groundcover around them, something like that.


Prune them down in the fall and they will be fuller in late spring (late spring here in TN anyway) when they come back.


They like egg shells broken up and worked into the soil around the roots.


We grow the really giant ones and they are so gorgeous. We would like to plant more but can't find a source for them, just the regular size ones.

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I just bought my first clematis today.



Where are you? Here they need as much sun as we can give them, and I do not have to cover the foot, but make sure they are watered. In KS, my mother gave them full morning sun and put something covering, like Hen and Chicks, at the foot. She also watered regularly.

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I don't have any growing advice, I just wanted to say that when I saw your thread, I remembered that I have mine in a bucket in the garage - probably very dead. We just put a new porch on our house the end of July and we were so busy with the building that I put the bucket in the garage "for a few days so it won't dry out"



OK, this made me laugh 'cause honey, I feel your pain!




I always think of a certain female body part when I see that flower named....I have no idea why, but it cracks me up on a very juvenile level :D




I've got three. Mine are in a partial shade, a little sun. My nursery person told me to HEAVILY mulch them. Pics of mine are up on my blog, pink, purple and white.


I saw your lovely flowers and I think I recognize the pink as a Nelly Moser. The NM was one of my other choices, but I wanted an easier pruning clematis.


We've grown them for years. Ideally they like their "heads in the sun, feet in the shade". All that means is, like someone else said, mulch them or plant a groundcover around them, something like that.

Prune them down in the fall and they will be fuller in late spring (late spring here in TN anyway) when they come back.

They like egg shells broken up and worked into the soil around the roots.

We grow the really giant ones and they are so gorgeous. We would like to plant more but can't find a source for them, just the regular size ones.


Flowering will probably be early June for us. What limited information I've found says the Comtesse flowers from June until September. I'll have to keep the egg shells in mind--cheap fertilizer! Other info says to prune them back in the spring. I prefer to cut back/prune in the fall if I can. What do you think? And have you seen the actual color of the Comtesse? Would it show well against white?


I'd do what my mother did in Kansas, but a little more sun, maybe? You have a shorter growing season. I remember being snowed on there in May.


Well, we've been here 7 years and there hasn't been snow in May. This year winter really held on and the last snowfall was at the beginning of April. Good thing it is sunny here.

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