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Reluctant Writer

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Today was our first "official" day of homeschooling. DS4 is very excited about school and had a great time with our work today. Except when he had to write. He went to preschool last year and wrote while he was there, at least a bit every day. And he often chooses to do small motor tasks (like writing and cutting) during free time. But when I asked him to write today, he told me "I'm tired" or "it's too hard", etc. Three assignments included writing -- math, in which he had to write a few numbers (maybe 10 total); our unit study, in which he wrote the first letter for about a dozen words; and spelling, in which he had to write 8 two and three letter words. (FYI, DS is accelerated and all of this work was easy for him to do.) He was just VERY reluctant to write. I don't want to turn this into a battle, but I do think he is entirely capable of doing this much writing in a day. Suggestions on how to handle this?

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Let him do it on the chalkboard or a large pad of paper on an easel so it uses gross motor skills instead of fine motor skills. Do the spelling with tiles instead of writing. Make sure his pencil hold isn't too tight.


My dd has always been that way, but it does improve with age. I got her some super nice mechanical pencils this year that have big grips built in. So it's not even a gender thing but just some kids. Age helps, but she's just not bent that way.

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At 4, he should be asked to do VERY little writing. No matter how accelerated, young muscles are still young muscles. Let him do must thing orally.


My DS is 6. He's doing real writing for the first time this year even though he's 4th grade level in just about everything.

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Yes, I wouldn't even label him a reluctant writer at that age, but you might make him one if you push it too much yet.

I think its important to build those hand muscles though but lots of playdough, ball games, building things, can do that in a more painless way than focing the writing thing too early.

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