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Happy First Day of School

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We're starting today, so I'll be kind of a ghost about my favorite forum, so I wanted to wish everyone else a happy first day of school. See you sometime in November.


Did I mention I have 3 middle schoolers this year?!?!?!?! and an additional lower grammar kiddo this year? Holy cow! I'm gonna be a busy Momma...and I love (almost) every second of it!


Happy home schooling, all. Have a wonderful year.

:party: That's my happy school dance.


:cheers2: That's for after the first day!

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Same to you.:cheers2: I can't sleep...:tongue_smilie:
Me either. I've hardly slept for a week....4 more minutes of summertime for me! Four. More. Minutes!


We're starting today too. This is our first year homeschooling AND our first day, so I'm very excited!!
Congrats! Welcome to the wonderful world of home schooling. It's the 2nd greatest adventure of my life. The first, marriage :)
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1st day for us too. I have a 1st grader and a HIGH SCHOOLER!!!


I haven't been sleeping well for the last week. I was also up until midnight last night getting ready. I cannot believe how nervous I am. It is the 9th grader that has me in panic mode. It feels like any mistake I make is going to end up forever on her transcript. Sigh... I will get through this. I just keep telling myself "I am the one writing the transcript. I don't have to put any mistakes on there!!"


I will post picture on my blog later today. (If I make it through the day.)

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Our first day today, too! I've got a third grader and a preschooler, so I'm not as nervous as some of you other ladies... :D


It's 9:45am our time, and so far we have:

had breakfast

got dressed

brushed teeth

morning chores (clean kitchen, make beds, make sure rooms are picked up)


Third grader has done his language arts lesson, and is almost done with reading.


Preschooler has done a puzzle, glued paper scraps to two larger papers (and used, oh, I dunno, 1/2 a bottle of glue!), done 'paint' on the computer, and is now playing his keyboard with headphones in so the third grader can concentrate.


So, so far, so good. Ask me at lunchtime if I still feel the same way. :D


Gotta go, 'done' was just announced by third grader...


Have a great day, everyone!

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Looking good so far :) Good enough to stop in and say hi, anyways.


Let's say I'm not very impressed with the ps system here. My new student attended K there. He can read, they did a great job there (along with his mom who worked really hard on that at home), but the rest...terrible. No math, horrid handwriting habits. Nothing we can't work out in a couple months, but man...I'm not impressed with all they didn't teach him! He does, however, have so much eagerness to learn! YEAH! He's so happy to be in my house.


I think this will be a great year!

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