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I must live near one of those "Active Seniors" communities (warning-may be TMI 4 some

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On my way out of town recently, I stopped at Walmart on a very busy Saturday. DH and the kids waited in the car while I ran in. Near the pharmacy, I pass 3 senior ladies, who looked about 67, 68, and one was about 70. They were chatting, laughing loudly about *tickling*. As I passed back by them on the way to the register, I saw that they were perusing the prophylactics. No problem.


When I got to the counter, however, one of them, (I'll call her Blanche), was in line in front of me. The other 2, (who I'll refer to as Dorothy and Rose), were waiting at a distance. *Blanche* plops the three purple boxes on the counter and begins the most nervous series of statements- something about a hot weekend and boyfriends, wanting to pay for these and then finish her shopping, something about not being too old.....


I was standing back, trying to cut her some slack, but you could hear her two aisles over, I'm sure. The cashier, who was clearly about the same age, just kept shaking her head waiting for some form of payment. She was probably thinking the same thing I was..."Lady, you could be on your date by now if you'd just pay and go."



Today, on my way from the post office, I see a car in the turn lane of traffic up ahead. I thought a policeman had pulled someone over. As I got a little closer, I could see it was actually two regular vehicles, and the owners were leaned up against the second car.


The man, 70ish, had his back against his vehicle and his arms around a woman about the same age, presumably the owner of the first vehicle. I thought that was odd, in the middle of a busy street. As I got a bit closer, I thought I saw him pat her backside. Then, in the few seconds it took to pass them, I saw him do it twice again: pat-pat, rub, pat-pat, rub.


Why they were making out in traffic is beyond me.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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I hear you. With my good ear.


I was once in line at Costco behind a man who looked to be about 90. He was buying a box of condoms that was the size of Manhattan. I mean, even with a lifetime ahead of you, you'd have to be pretty ambitious to use up that whole box.

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I hear you. With my good ear.


I was once in line at Costco behind a man who looked to be about 90. He was buying a box of condoms that was the size of Manhattan. I mean, even with a lifetime ahead of you, you'd have to be pretty ambitious to use up that whole box.



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Several months ago, I saw a story on the news about The Villages in FL being like one big retiree sexual playground. Eww. (Not ew that older folks might have an active sex life with a monogomous partner, but ew that they are just "hooking up" all over the place. LOL) I think they even mentioned a high rate of STDs! Sheesh.

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