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Indoor tree that can survive in low humidity?

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Does anyone know of an indoor potted tree than can survive in low humidity? I have no intention of running a humidifier in the room I want a pretty green tree in. I would sooner get a fake tree.


I am willing to mist and to water/fertilize whenever. This room will have lots of books and a TV -- not a good place for high humidity. This room is south facing and is pretty bright and warm year-around. Any tips appreciated.

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We had a ficus and a jade tree when we were in Albuquerque that both survived our brown thumbs. Humidity is often in the single digits there, we did not humidify our house. (We did run a swamp cooler, though, which probably slightly upped the humidity levels in the summer.)


In fact, we tried to kill the jade tree (it was an ugly one), we left it outside for 3 or 4 weeks with no water, when my husband saw it was still alive he started watering it again.

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