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I have a new iPhone and am looking for some help. I've already searched the boards and gotten some good suggestions on fun/useful apps to add. :)


If I want some general help on how to use the phone and its features, where should I go? Is there a good website or book?


Also, my battery gets low very quickly. I have my screen turned down to a pretty low brightness. And I don't use much talk time. Is this normal? The battery is about 2/3 gone by evening. I'm worried that if I ever forget to plug it in overnight, I won't be able to use it the next day.


One more question. Is there an app for this: I have a list of doctors & medical information (last immunization dates, etc.) that I'd like to put on the phone. I guess I could list all of the doctors, dentists, etc. in my normal contacts, but I sort of wanted them segregated. And I still need a place for the other info. Have you seen anything like this? I searched the app store but didn't come up with anything.



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I'm still hunting for a good medical App.


Illness Tracker rocks at what it does, and they are adding features to it, and it might end up where i want them.


I have no idea HOW you create "Group" in the contacts file, mine copied over from my Contacts on my Mac. I actually looked once and never found it - so got out of bed and went to the Mac, created it, did a sync and moved on. So depending on what you are using on your computer for your contacts you should be able to do something similar.


My Dad has a book that he likes - i have an older version of it, "The iPod Book" by Scott Kelby. That might help you out some.

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The battery life sounds about normal. I was annoyed with it at first but I've come to grips with it LOL. I have a car charger and plug it in there if need be. And if my kids have been playing with it for a while, I just stick it on the charger in the house. I've only ran the battery completely down one time.

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You should leave location services off and turn it from 3G to Edge most of the time. When you need to surf the web or send pictures quicker, turn 3G on. When you need to use an app like maps that needs location services, turn it back on.


Your battery should last 2 or 3 days with this plan.


They're really easy to turn off and on, they're in the settings, very easy to find.

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I don't know, my battery seems to last longer...you could go to the apple store and ask questions, they are really helpful.


for medical info, there is an app called "Ever note" that you run on your computer and on the iphone and it keeps and consolidates notes for you, and you can even file photos of stuff you want to remember. I haven't added it yet, but I've been meaning to.

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OK, I changed my settings to see if my battery will last a little longer...


And will check out some of the other suggestions.


Jen, we will have to get together and compare apps one day. :) I did load the screen cleaner and my screen looks much better, ha ha.

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