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Children's Workout/Fitness DVDs


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I have a 6, (almost) 4 and 2.5 yo. I am looking for some dvds that would keep them moving, and fit for the winter months when we cannot be outside so much. I do not have room for indoor equipment, so I am looking for fun dvds with music to workout.

We do not have a wii nor do we plan on getting one.


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Not DVDs, but a game recommendation... When my kids were that age, they just loved Hullabaloo (there's a traditional edition and a dvd edition -- I've only ever used the regular one, and the dvd one isn't particularly appealing to me). In the box, you'll find a set of 12 small mats that you spread around the room (they can be closer together or a little farther apart depending on how much space you have, it's flexible), and a small speaker unit. The mats come in four colors, four sets of shapes, and have either a musical instrument, food, or animal on them. Turn the speaker unit on, and it will tell everyone to start on a purple pad. Then it will give instructions like, "Hop to... a blue! Put your elbow on ... an animal! Slither to ... a triangle!" After a few instructions, it will say, "If you're on the ... piano... you're a winner! Winner, do a funky dance!" etc. It's sort of like Twister for young children, but it doesn't require someone there calling the instructions, and it involves more movement and silliness along the way. There can be more than one winner at a time, and winning is somewhat de-emphasized.


Anyway, this was a favorite game when my kids were preschoolers (they even pull it out occasionally now! and we've had it for at least five years!), and it does encourage movement and activity within a defined space. It was great for me when I had two small children in an apartment!


(For older kids, the games HyperDash and HyperJump also use a little equipment that fits in a boardgame-sized box and encourage movement and physical activity in a small space. But the instructions are much more complex and would be frustrating for most kids under 6 or 7, except maybe at the first level.)


Also, if you're Christian, Group Publishing has dvds of the worship music for their VBS programs (and I think the ones for their Sunday School programs are similar). The songs (a mix of an updated hymn or two and some upbeat praise music) play while some very enthusiastic kids dance and do hand-motions. My kids never knew they were "doing an exercise video" while they danced along. ;)

Edited by abbeyej
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Suzzane, that link does not work, I cannot find John Jacobson - I did find his website, but the link to the kinds programme does not work on his website! So I do not know what the JJump is.


I am looking for a DVD. I have Hullabaloo but my kids did not take to it when I took it out a year ago - maybe now would make a difference, but I also want some dvds.

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We use FitDeck Junior card deck...choose one from each color or several from one color and do each for 1 minute....LOTS of fun! Each color focuses on a different part of the body so you can do an all over body workout of focus on upper one day, lower, abs, etc. There are kid-friendly names for even the most usual of exercises which makes it more interesting.


I also use a DVD that is a workout DVD to math facts with different themes (like safari or beach) for each operation. It's called CanDoKids and you can see it here. There are kids doing the exercises in the video that recite/sing the facts while demonstrating the exercises for the kids to follow along. It starts off easier for littles and gets more difficult (the P.E. part).

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The Wiggles are great for getting my kids moving. They're not exercise tapes, but the singers do a LOT of exercise during those songs. My kids loved getting up and dancing to them.


Yoga For the Kid in All of Us is a favorite here too.

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It's geared towards adults, but my 6 1/2 year old absolutely *LOVES* my TurboJam aerobic kickboxing DVD's. Be aware that it does use popular dance and R&B music- I haven't noticed any lyrics that I would personally consider problematic but I know different folks have different comfort levels when it comes to music.

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