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If you chose between WWE and CW Primer, which did you pick and why?


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I went with WWE because I already had the other elements (memorization, picture study, etc.) covered and didn't want to change them.


Plus, I really, really like WWE. I am planning to move to CW Aesop in 4th, though, and skip WWE 4. Something has to give. :D

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I went with WWE because it was totally scripted and I needed a whole lot of hand holding for writing. Plus I wanted our writing program to focus just on writing. The primers seemed to have alot of extras. We may switch to CW in 4th, but that's dependent on what the next book in Susan's writing program looks like and when it comes out. So far we are loving WWE!

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I liked some aspects of CW Primer, but felt it was covering too many things that I was already teaching using other resources that I didn't want to change. If I hadn't already made some of those choices I would have been more tempted.


ETA: I think it may come down to this - do you want something close to an "all in one?" or do you prefer to work on copywork/narration (and eventually dictation) separately from other LA?

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