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Thinking of selling my Zo breadmaker

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I bought it last year, used it all of one time. I just don't eat bread fast enough to warrant making it. It just gets moldy or hard before we can get a whole loaf eaten.


So, I was thinking of selling it. I also bought a breadmaker cookbook. I paid $230 for both, how much should I ask for them? I plan to either list it on Craigslist or a local FS yahoo group. I have no interest in shipping it; it's too heavy!

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Check Craig's list or Ebay and see what others I going for. I would try it at maybe $150 and see the response. Maybe do something like $175 OBO and see what you get.


FWIW, we're in the middle of a beadmaker battle here. LOL I want it out of my kitchen AND my house. DH wants to hold on to it. We've compromised. It will live the next unused portion of its life in our garage. LOL

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Don't sell your breadmaker!


After the bread cools, slice it and freeze in a ziploc bag, then take out as many slices as you need. That's what we do. The sliced bread doesn't take long to defrost and is soft and tastes as fresh as when it's first baked.


I don't even buy bread anymore. I'll make 2 or 3 loaves in a day and freeze. Whole wheat for my dh and me and white for the boys.


Just a suggestion! :)

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