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Diaper Question

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1yo's had, um, a lot of dirty diapers lately. I know that's a thing that sort-of ebbs & flows, & that's fine, I'm just...wondering...if...there's anything...I should be concerned about or do for him or...jeepers. Mine have never really had *this* problem.

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Has he been a lot more active? That can rev up the ol' metabolism. Or has he been eating more fruits and veggies? Drinking more water? Nursing a lot all of a sudden? Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless there was something else going on (fussiness, fouler-than-normal smell, crying while pooping, etc.), but that's me. Like you said, it's one of those things that ebbs and flows...so to speak!

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Has he been a lot more active? That can rev up the ol' metabolism. Or has he been eating more fruits and veggies? Drinking more water? Nursing a lot all of a sudden? Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless there was something else going on (fussiness, fouler-than-normal smell, crying while pooping, etc.), but that's me. Like you said, it's one of those things that ebbs and flows...so to speak!


He's started walking. He's stealing fruit out of the fruit bowl & eating apples nearly whole--sometimes core & all. He drank a sippy cup full of water last night in one gulp & then finished a 2nd before dinner was over.


So I guess that would all contribute, wouldn't it? :lol:


But...it's...messy. Shouldn't he be...solidifying by now? I'm getting tired of changing sheets!

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He's started walking. He's stealing fruit out of the fruit bowl & eating apples nearly whole--sometimes core & all. He drank a sippy cup full of water last night in one gulp & then finished a 2nd before dinner was over.


So I guess that would all contribute, wouldn't it? :lol:


But...it's...messy. Shouldn't he be...solidifying by now? I'm getting tired of changing sheets!


I think you have your answer :lol: He probably should be getting a bit more solid, but that's a lot of fiber for a small guy, and if he has a speedy metabolism to begin with, that might just be how his body runs, you know? The softer, the better (for him, not you!) anyway. I wouldn't sweat it.

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I think you have your answer :lol: He probably should be getting a bit more solid, but that's a lot of fiber for a small guy, and if he has a speedy metabolism to begin with, that might just be how his body runs, you know? The softer, the better (for him, not you!) anyway. I wouldn't sweat it.


Oh, good. :001_huh:



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I would try letting him eat some banana or toast. Both help solidify things. Just don't over do it or he'll get stopped up. Hope his tummy is better soon!


I don't know if he's sick. He acts fine. And he eats everything in sight, so he gets (I think) a lot of bread, & at least 1 banana every day. Of course, when he steals *those* from the fruit bowl, he eats them peel & all, & I'm guessing that's counter-productive for our current *ahem* goals. :lol:

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Mine could live on the banana/white bread/cheese diet and still go multiple times a day. I used to laugh when our old pediatrician would ask if we had a dirty diaper at least every three days... we have always wondered where you get that kind of kid. :D


But, yes, the apples might be contributing to the, uh, explosive nature of the change.

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He's started walking. He's stealing fruit out of the fruit bowl & eating apples nearly whole--sometimes core & all. He drank a sippy cup full of water last night in one gulp & then finished a 2nd before dinner was over.


So I guess that would all contribute, wouldn't it? :lol:


But...it's...messy. Shouldn't he be...solidifying by now? I'm getting tired of changing sheets!


I would think that if he is eating a lot of fruit that would contribute to the "messiness" or less solid.

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I used to laugh when our old pediatrician would ask if we had a dirty diaper at least every three days... we have always wondered where you get that kind of kid. :D



:lol: I would like to know too!


If solids don't firm things up then you might try probiotics. If you want something with a medical label, then go to the pharmacy and ask for lactinex (it is probiotics also but just has a med label). They keep it in a refrigerator behind the pharmacy counter. It will not lead to constipation either, just an evening out. We had great success with it a few years back.

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How long has he been having loose stools, then? My dd always had loose stools at that age. Over a few months time it got much, much worse. Like I had to mop the floor when she went worse. Long story short, she has Celiac Disease and the bad diapers were one result of it's being untreated. If it goes on for too long, it may be time to see a doctor.

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How long has he been having loose stools, then? My dd always had loose stools at that age. Over a few months time it got much, much worse. Like I had to mop the floor when she went worse. Long story short, she has Celiac Disease and the bad diapers were one result of it's being untreated. If it goes on for too long, it may be time to see a doctor.


Oh, how awful! No, he's been about a week, maybe. And not nearly that bad--just smudges on his sheets & clothes, & the leaks are usually just in the AM--like his diaper's not making it thr the night.


Still, my other 3 were the other end of the spectrum, so this has...gotten my attention?


I'll watch out, though. Dh doesn't have Celiac, but he is allergic to wheat.

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I'm going through this with my 2.5yo right now...he's fairly normal in the diaper dept for a while, then we'll have a week or so of up to 10 dirty ones a day. He always eats fruit (and he sneaks too! apples, bananas, peaches, and spinach all day long!) He also gets plenty of whole wheat bread and cheese, very little milk and we've stopped giving him nuts and citrus due to the awful reaction in his belly to these things. We've added FiberOne products as well. Yogurt, like Activia, is great too.


We've tried the BRATY diet for these times and it's gone from lasting 3 or more weeks at a time to only 1 week. They get nothing but these things! Don't add much to it, maybe a little salt for the rice-- try to skip butter for the rice and toast (we added some cinnamon and that went well).




Apple (sauce or shavings...cant' remember)



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Mine could live on the banana/white bread/cheese diet and still go multiple times a day. I used to laugh when our old pediatrician would ask if we had a dirty diaper at least every three days... we have always wondered where you get that kind of kid. :D



I have a friend whose 4 children have all been prone to constipation, especially if they ate much cheese. She kept prunes on hand at all times. It was very painful for them at times if she didn't catch it early and start feeding them prunes.


My children are on the other end, and at one time I had to hide grapes from my son or he would eat them all and go every other minute, it seemed.

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