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Where do I suggest she begin? Friend pulling sixth grader out of school...

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I began at the beginning. I stumbled my way from Kindergarten on. This is different situation.


My friend has emailed me for advice. What would you recommend?


This friend is incredibly organized and bright. I know she would do well with all those issues. I'm primarily looking for advice on how to begin the academics.





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I pulled Diva mid gr 3. I started by looking at the Board of Ed outcomes for each grade.


Its hard to recommend curric, etc without knowing the child's learning style, and Mom's teaching style. I whole heartedly recommend Cathy Duffy's Top 100 as the start. It will help her to figure out what works for her and her child.

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I pulled out in the middle of 4th grade and started looking at my required subjects (per my state) and then filling in the slots with various curricula.


For science and social studies I found it easier to just use library books once I figured out what I was going to cover (American history).


After I started homeschooling I started tweaking so about 2 months after I started my homeschool until I had everything in place.

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Most people I know who start by removing their children from a school setting begin with a boxed curriculum for a year or two to get their groove going. It may be an easier transition for both the child, who is accustomed to a textbook approach as well as the mom who does not have a comfort zone for putting things together. It could be a good place to begin, anyway.


Of course, I have to mention that she should read TWTM. It's a great resource for the beginner, but can be overwhelming as well. Wish her the best no matter what her choice!!

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Most people I know who start by removing their children from a school setting begin with a boxed curriculum for a year or two to get their groove going. It may be an easier transition for both the child, who is accustomed to a textbook approach as well as the mom who does not have a comfort zone for putting things together. It could be a good place to begin, anyway.


Of course, I have to mention that she should read TWTM. It's a great resource for the beginner, but can be overwhelming as well. Wish her the best no matter what her choice!!


:iagree:We pulled dnephew out of 6th and that's what we did. Boxed curriculum gave me a grip on schooling in general and TWTM showed me who I was (or wasn't) as a teacher! I would also encourage some of the modern books on Charlotte Mason (hers are a lengthy read in this situation).

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Math facts, all of them, flashcards and then with drill sheets

10 sheets per operation, each sheet under 5 minutes

http://www.GarlicPress.com "math" "basic facts package"

These are reproducible masters.

Start with Addition

Then Multiplication

then go back for Subtraction (same as addition, just backwards)

then go back for Division (same as multiplication, just backwards)

If she knows her facts, she will "pass" two or more sheets daily, might take 2 weeks.


Give her a fresh new sheet

Set the timer for 5 mins

When it beeps, pencils down. Do not finish the sheet

If she can't pass a sheet in under 4 minutes 59 seconds,

tomorrow, she gets a fresh clean one of the same sheet,

same thing, day in day out.

If she passes the sheet, tomorrow give the next sheet













and so on and so forth


After that, a couple months of http://www.Aleks.com can pinpoint any gaps

After that, take a Saxon Placement exam

Saxon is independent thorugh Calculus.

Student reads the lesson, does the work, corrects her errors.

There is SaxonTeacher product (like TT) in the upper math levels.


Read for :30 minutes per session(or :20 or :10, whatever is student tolerance)

Three Times Per Day

#1 - History

#2- science

#3 Literature or Religious or Fun Topic or nonFiction, or student choice, etc.


Write about what you read Or copywork from what you read

Only write or copywork once per day



Pick up wordly wise.

Spend two days learning the words, writing in sentences,

then Wed/Thur/Fri do the workbook pages.


This will get her up to speed or at least evaluated as to where she is at, and get her accustomed to "not having a teacher in front of the class" method of 'schooling'




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A good friend of mine is pulling out her fourth grader, and asked me for help... I was in the same place; I'd just done it from the get-go!


I gave her my 2nd edition WTM and had her read it. I showed her some of the stuff we use. I took her to the local homeschool store. :) I also spent a couple of hours with her and her dh one morning going over the nitty-gritty of what we do and how we do it. Her son and my dd are so very much alike and the same grade level, so that did make it a little easier.


I also told her to start with one-three subjects for the first few weeks, and to go from there. :) She's still feeling overwhelmed but at least she knows what she's going to do on Day One, yk?

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Last year I pulled my dc after 4th and 2nd grades. I read TWTM and spent the summer researching and reading everything I could about homeschooling. I pieced together the curriculum from the recommendations in TWTM and just jumped right in. So far so good. In fact, we are really not changing much for next year because everything is working.


It wasn't easy and in fact was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But oh so worth it!

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Well, I wouldn't recommend specific curricula but books like TWTM and 100 Top Picks. Also What Your 6th Grader should know. She can get the previous years books at the library and review each item and make sure the child has covered that. This will give her some idea of where they are and what they need to cover. Whatever you do, don't recommend a copy of Rainbow Resouces to a beginner. It's overwhelming. As far as what to teach, I would:


Math - a good review program of all elementary subjects.


History - start at the beginning


Science - a good general science program (all branches)


English - a thorough review of the basics and writing fundementals


Literature - you can find list of the classics and grade levels on line.

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The best advice I have for a mom who pulls a child out of public school, as opposed to homeschooling from the beginning, is be kind to yourself and your child.


It is okay to have a low key year and let the child de-school. Follow the child's interests. Ask if there are things they wanted to do in school that there was never enough time for and do some of them. Try out stuff and drop it if you don't like it.


If you are worried that they did not learn enough in ps you don't need to fix it all in one year.


If you are worried that they were not challenged enough, let them learn to challenge themselves.


Even if, after this re-grounding year, you decide to try rigorous text book style learning, a relaxed year will not hurt them.


Take baby steps, have fun, rebuild your relationship. Do not panic.:001_smile:

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Whatever you do, don't recommend a copy of Rainbow Resouces to a beginner.




When I went to meet w/ my friends, I took my copy of the RR catalog and pulled it out and said "Look! It's like a phone book!" then put it away and said, "Now, you don't really need to look at most of that," and went on. :)

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