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I want to start a church cover!

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Hey! I just graduated with my M.ED in administration! My goal is to start a homeschool cover and coop. Any idea where to begin? I've been researching like crazy, and there isn't much out there on how to start one.


Could ya'll give me some input, such as:


1. How much do you pay per year for your year?

2. How often do ya'll do fieldtrips or any other get togethers?

3 What do you like about your coop?

4. What would you change?

5. Anything you think I could benefit from!




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It really depends on what state you are in. DIfferent covers cost different amounts in different states. In Florida, we used one that cost something like 20 a year andrequired nothing above that which is required by law- calendar of days, health exam, immunizations or letters stating objections to immunizations or health exams. There were other covers that did a lot more. I only used it because it cost less to use a cover than buy a test and it was less stressful to my child. Other people use covers to get co-op classes, educational consulting and such like and those charge more.

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Hey! I just graduated with my M.ED in administration! My goal is to start a homeschool cover and coop. Any idea where to begin? I've been researching like crazy, and there isn't much out there on how to start one.


Could ya'll give me some input, such as:


1. How much do you pay per year for your year?

2. How often do ya'll do fieldtrips or any other get togethers?

3 What do you like about your coop?

4. What would you change?

5. Anything you think I could benefit from!




There probably isn't much out there because it would vary so much by state.


When you say "cover," what exactly do you mean? Is this a legal option in your state? If so, what services will you offer? Or are you thinking more of a support group? a support group that also has a co-op, or just a co-op? And is it a *real* co-op, where parents actually teach, or is it a day school, where parents pay others to do the teaching?


I need more information from you. :-)

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that homeschool covers in Alabama require a church backup. A person can't really provide the cover -- the church does. You would be the person to manage that cover.

Is your church willing to back the group you want to start?

That's where (I think) you have to begin.

Some churches would provide this to non-members. Others want to cover only their church members or may require families to sign a statement of faith.

We've had a covering that charges $85 per family - no matter how many childrenand requires only attendance reports. Another required $200 + $70 for each additional child. They required quarterly meetings and curriculum and grade reports and offered field trips, ongoing support, and co-op classes.

Good luck!

PM me if you have more questions or just want to chat!

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One splinter group of our larger HS group was about to do the same thing but ran into some issues that could not be resolved $$$...


* Liability Insurance= the church wanting our business (they got a % of the coop fees along with electricity/water bills we had to pay on our own) offered to put us under their umbrella policy which was nice. If we had to pay it on our own, it would have been pricey.


* DBA Account/By-Laws/Board/Finances= Who will be in charge of the money? How will you account for the money spent to what oversight board? Or if you get audited? Or if a parent tries to sue you? This took the group months to prepare and agree on. Plus, we needed to set it up right in order to rent the facility, "hire" teachers willing to teach (check out their background, resume, etc.), and then make advertisements 6 months in advance to the community that we were here for educational coop.


We were at the point where we had hired 5 teachers, got the facility rented, had the beginnings of a DBA created, and some loose bylaws -- all about 3 months from Fall Opening... when the "leader" of this group closed up shop and left us hanging when she moved away. Found out later the reason was that she finally figured out she would NOT be making a salary -- our group would barely be breaking even with the utilities, rent, salary, etc. It can be a headache to create such a thing. I say plan wisely and make it a reality in a year.



P.S. Nowadays, our leadership board is saying the bigger issue is having families not being able to afford coop due to the slowing economy. Many families are dropping out. I would hedge your bets that to be competitive, you'd have to reduce fees and such to get people. Which again, doesn't make you money. It ends up being a ministry.

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There probably isn't much out there because it would vary so much by state.


When you say "cover," what exactly do you mean? Is this a legal option in your state? If so, what services will you offer? Or are you thinking more of a support group? a support group that also has a co-op, or just a co-op? And is it a *real* co-op, where parents actually teach, or is it a day school, where parents pay others to do the teaching?


I need more information from you. :-)


Exactly... this is one coop that is very successful in our area:




However, they serve the older Junior/Senior High homeschoolers and it is NOT like your ordinary coop. You will be paying $50-80 a month for a class. You do not stay at the coop all day long or volunteer. This is like an a la carte menu for upper school credits taught by retired or professional teachers. This group's founder was nominated by THSC as Homeschooler of the Year for the state of Texas. She has being running coops for more than 10 years now.

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Okay, to clear some things up:


My FIL is a pastor, so we can use his church, as my church does not want to be a "homeschooling church". Whatever. That's another rant :)


By Cover I mean that I want to have a legal operation for families and be responsible for their attendance and grades. This is one of 2 options for HSing in Alabama. The other is to be a certified teacher. While offering the legal support needed to HS, I also want to organize field trips, parties, and the social aspect of it all. Eventually...many, many years down the road, I'd like to offer some classes, but again, that's a ways off! And, for classes, i'm thinking more of home making, bedgeting, that sort of thing...not necessarily math and english. Certainly not spelling :)


I'm not looking to make a paycheck. I'm looking to have other families in one cover group that believe like we do. We are reformed (think calvinist) and I want my kids to have friends with like minded families.




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I want to throw out a ethical question about homeschooling covers in Alabama.


I know that many of the so called cover schools in this state are not sponsored by a church.


The person states they are a "home church" and start their school.


There is know recognized services, these people just start a cover and bring in the bucks.


I have been tempted to do this myself but only for my family


I do have a real brick and mortar church covering, I send $60.00 a year and an attendance sheet each summer.


So I am basically donating money each year to a church that really does not do anything for me.



This link will give you instructions on the most ethical way to start a church school (home school) in Alabama



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Hi Cafelette, I'm in Alabama too and knew someone who was their own "cover school." I guess they considered themselves a home church and they just covered themselves. They did home church also.


I looked into becoming a cover church in Alabama too this summer, wanting to just cover my own family, but I read the law as the cover school is church based, and I can't ethically call my family a church; therefore, we now pay $250 :confused:

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Okay, to clear some things up:


My FIL is a pastor, so we can use his church, as my church does not want to be a "homeschooling church". Whatever. That's another rant :)


By Cover I mean that I want to have a legal operation for families and be responsible for their attendance and grades. This is one of 2 options for HSing in Alabama. The other is to be a certified teacher. While offering the legal support needed to HS, I also want to organize field trips, parties, and the social aspect of it all. Eventually...many, many years down the road, I'd like to offer some classes, but again, that's a ways off! And, for classes, i'm thinking more of home making, bedgeting, that sort of thing...not necessarily math and english. Certainly not spelling :)


I'm not looking to make a paycheck. I'm looking to have other families in one cover group that believe like we do. We are reformed (think calvinist) and I want my kids to have friends with like minded families.





Ok, now I understand. :-)


We have lots of those in California; I owned/administered one for many years. I can give you a truckload of information, but it might be better if you PM'd me. Oh, and FTR, don't worry about making a paycheck; there's not a thing wrong with that. And truthfully, charging for services is a great motivator for people to do what they're supposed to do. :-/

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