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I love it when great things just drop at my feet. . .

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Today, I was at our little local thrift shop, donating some stuff, standing at the register, which is located next to the front door.


This lady walked in the door with a box, set it on the floor next to the door, and went out to get another box. I looked down, and staring up at me were Writeshop I and II, Teaching Textbooks Pre-algebra and Algebra, and Spelling Power, and several other things.


I stepped over and picked up the Writeshop. When she came in, she saw me looking at it. I said, "I'm looking at your stuff." She ecstatically proclaimed herself, "graduated!" and told me I could have whatever I wanted. I grabbed a few things, and followed her outside. Then she gave me a whole box filled with craft things and geometry triangles and other math tools (compass, etc.)


Anyway, I came back home with more than I got rid of, but it's great stuff! I'll go through the craft box, and donate what I don't need.


Good day.


Of course, I forgot to ask her her name to find out if she hangs out here! Dummy.


"Hey Lady at Talking Talons Thrift Shop, if that was you, THANK YOU!" :D

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I didn't take the Spelling Power, but I might go get it tomorrow (I didn't want to seem too grabby). :) I was thrilled with the WriteShop. I looked through the TT, and they were well "loved", and I don't need a math program right now, so I didn't take that either. I just couldn't believe the feeling to have all that stuff just staring up at me! :D Sharon, you're right, I should have given her a big hug! I did congratulate her for finishing, though.

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