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Weighing heavily on my mind tonight... Request for Prayers

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Several years ago, I took a job working for the school system in the county. In the time I spent there, I really got to know the kids. I did service projects with some of the classes and did tutoring for others. Mostly, I worked with kids in 4th-6th grades. That was about 3 years ago now.


Today, I found out that two of my former students - two kids that I worked closely with during that year - were killed in a motorcycle accident. It was a terrible accident. The two boys (now ages 12 and 13) pulled onto the highway riding a dirtbike. They apparently pulled out and didn't see the oncoming vehicle. They were not wearing helmets and I am not sure, given the speed the truck was traveling (55-60MPH) and the speed the boys were traveling, it would have helped if they had been. :crying:


My heart is just breaking for these families, but also for the hundreds of kids this will affect as well as they go back to school and see their classmates' empty seats. I also ask for prayers for the driver of the truck. He is a good boy and I can't even imagine the pain and grief he feels right now. He is a member of his church and God is the absolutely only thing that can get him and these families through this right now.

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Thank you all. We have such a small community that this sort of thing really affects most everyone. It also bring way too close to home the realization that life is a gift and that it can be lost in just seconds. My kids, especially my oldest, think they are invincible. My older ds and I talked tonight about how making smart choices can save your life. These boys should have never been on the highway at the ages of 12 and 13 on a dirtbike. They should have had on helmets. I would like to hold some hope that other children will learn from this and not repeat these same mistakes. My heart just really hurts over the two that did.

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I'm so sorry to hear this.

My oldest ds lost his best friend a couple weeks ago in a tragic gun accident.

Helping ds grieve his way through this has been the hardest thing we have had to do as parents.

I'll be praying for the boys involved and their families.:grouphug:

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