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La Clase Divertida?

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***I'm posting this here and not on curriculum board because someone on this board mentioned it yesterday.


Has anyone used La Clase Divertida to teach Spanish?


I just looked at the website and watched a sample and I really like it a lot. Plus I think my 9 year old will really enjoy it.


I am not sure what the teachers manual and student books include and whether or not it would be appropriate for a 7/8th grader.



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***I'm posting this here and not on curriculum board because someone on this board mentioned it yesterday.


Has anyone used La Clase Divertida to teach Spanish?


I just looked at the website and watched a sample and I really like it a lot. Plus I think my 9 year old will really enjoy it.


I am not sure what the teachers manual and student books include and whether or not it would be appropriate for a 7/8th grader.




We are using it here. It is a very nice curriculum, IMO. The lessons are entertaining and the kids learn the words through songs and chants. There is a bit of history thrown in, and the crafts are fun too. It is aimed at younger children. I think most older kids would feel a bit silly doing the hand movements. My 6, 9, and 12 year olds all enjoy it though. The workbooks are mainly for reinforcing learning the words and having the kids practice writing them. Sometimes there are question that refer back to the history lessons. The teacher's manual has the answer key and also lists any supplies or ingredients you need for the craft or recipe. Most of the craft supplies are included in the kit. HTH.

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We have levels 1 & 2. I think it's a fun way to introduce young children to Spanish. The crafts, recipes, and bits of history are fun, however, imo, it's best used by the K-4 crowd.




That was my thought as well. I used level one with my kids when they were about 6 and 7. We really liked it, especially my crafty daughter. They even had a conversation (in Spanish) with some nuns from Guatemala that we met in an ice cream shop! :D There are older kids in the video clase, so it might be good with a 9yo. I don't know though. I'd have your dc watch the sample and see if THEY like it! If they think it's hokey, they might not want to watch it, or sing the songs, or whatever.

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