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Glunten question...

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I know that vinegar in general has gluten. I buy Bragg's when I need gluten-free cider, but I'm wondering about white vinegar. Does it have gluten?


Also, does oatmeal have gluten?


A misisonary family is visiting our church next week and we're having a potluck afterwards. *All* family members have gluten and dairy issues. Oy. I'm good on the dairy, but I just wanted to be sure about the gluten.


ETA: Oh, if only we could edit subject lines!

Edited by Ellie
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Some people are fine with white vinegar, but others aren't. Many gluten-free people avoid it because they are concerned about it. Having a reaction is not fun, KWIM? If you use rice wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar, it should be fine.


As for oats, many people who avoid gluten also avoid oats. Some think they have gluten, others say oats have gluten cross-contamination. Either way, since you can't tell, it's better to avoid them.

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Vinegar is ok as long as it is distilled. Gluten does not make it through the distillation process. Malt vinegar, however is never GF.


For someone on a GF diet to have oats, they must be "pure oats". That means they were grown in a dedicated field (no crop rotation, this can contaminate them) and they are processed in a plant that only processes oats. It is very easy to contaminate oats. If you want GF oats, I think the only place to get them is online. Even if they are pure, some on GF diets will have trouble with oats. I've never tried them with my GF dd.


Send me a PM if you have more questions, I'll be happy to help you.

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In place of oatmeal for breakfast you can cook some buckwheat or amaranth. They are very different from oatmeal, but neither has gluten. You can simmer them in soy or regular milk. Add mashed bananas to the buckwheat along with some chopped walnuts. It's delicious! You can eat the amaranth after just simmering in liquid, but a chopped up apple added to it really makes it sing! Also, I add walnuts to the amaranth, I love nuts.

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My bil, who is very sensitive, can't have white vinegar or oats. He also has a dedicated toaster for gluten-free toast.


I'd play it ultra-conservative. For the first few meals, I'd do plain meat, potatoes, salad with oil and cider vinegar, and a steamed/boiled vegetables. Read labels, because a dairy protein, cassein (sp) can pop up in the strangest places, like some brands of canned tuna. If they will be visiting for a while, you might take one of the adults grocery shopping to get a better feel for their restrictions.

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My bil, who is very sensitive, can't have white vinegar or oats. He also has a dedicated toaster for gluten-free toast.


I'd play it ultra-conservative. For the first few meals, I'd do plain meat, potatoes, salad with oil and cider vinegar, and a steamed/boiled vegetables. Read labels, because a dairy protein, cassein (sp) can pop up in the strangest places, like some brands of canned tuna. If they will be visiting for a while, you might take one of the adults grocery shopping to get a better feel for their restrictions.


Does your husband react to Heinz White Vinegar? Heinz claims it is gluten free. My kids seem to do fine with it.

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Does your husband react to Heinz White Vinegar? Heinz claims it is gluten free. My kids seem to do fine with it.


It's my brother-in-law so I don't know for sure. I do know that white vinegar in general is avoided by him and we (extended family) just get cider vinegar for him. I know that he is EXTREMELY sensitive to gluten. He can tell immediately if there is a trace of gluten because it hurts going down. He can't even have commercially prepared ketchup and other things because of the vinegar.

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