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Well, while we're on the subject of tea...

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I know I'm not the only one in the throes of perimenopause.


So, has anyone found a trick for those days when there's a negative voice in your head that won't shut up and you feel like if anything touches you you are going to scream?


And then your husband decides he'd like a cup of tea?

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Since I've started taking borage oil and multi-vitamins and my little concoction of herbs, I have far, far fewer days of the negative voice in my head.


I posted in the confessions thread that a lack of desire for tea has plagued me my whole marriage. But I want to be one of those women in her 40's whose ingnition kicks on! :D What kind of concoction of herbs? How did you find out what to take and how much? Is it the herbs or the oil or what?


Please 'splain it to me!

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I posted in the confessions thread that a lack of desire for tea has plagued me my whole marriage. But I want to be one of those women in her 40's whose ingnition kicks on! :D What kind of concoction of herbs? How did you find out what to take and how much? Is it the herbs or the oil or what?



Please 'splain it to me!


I use to have that problem as well and then perimenopause hit. I used to think that it was horrible to be a teenage boy, with that constant urge. Now I know it is much worse to be a middle age women because not only do your have the constant urge but also almost unlimited ability. Not only that but no matter how many times your reach your goal, your never quite satisfied and all of this is happening about the same your hubby is slowing down. It's miserable I tell ya. Be careful waht you ask for.


Anyhow, I don't know that I really did anything different so much as I finally reached an age when my estrogen was slowing down enough to let the testosterone really have an effect. But just in case, these are the supplements I take:


A good multi



Vitamin D

Fish Oil


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