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"Venturing" with girls.....Anyone do this?

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We are knee deep in Boy Scouts....Husband is Scout Master and oldest ds is almost Eagle and little brother is a Sr. Weblos.....


But now someone is talking about a Venturing crew forming.....Which would include girls.......And oldest dd is excited....


Do any of you have experience with this? Or would 4-H be more appropriate for a 14 year old dd?




Brenda :001_smile:





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My kid sister did it way back when it was called Explorer Scouts. She did the one where you learn to fly a plane....later married her flight instructor. It all depends on what the emphasis will be on for the Venture Scouts and is it something in which your dd is interested.

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All we have heard all summer long is "Why can't I go canoeing or why can't I go repell(sp?) a wall?"


(Course why ANYONE would want to repell a wall is just beyond me.....I want both feet FIRMLY planted on the ground thank you.....but mom is just a big chicken....I get scared on the second row of the choir loft at church....REALLY)


But dd loves a challenge.


So, she is interested......Hmmm......



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Here in NZ scouting is co-ed, but dd didn't do scouts before venturers. She was a brownie & girl guide. She really enjoys Venturers. She joined venturers at 14yo. She is a venturer in our SeaScout group & a member of the local combined venturer unit. (The scout groups in our city have formed a combined venturer unit of both land & sea scout groups). Dd takes part in the water activities with the Sea Venturer unit & does other venturering (camps, hikes, games, etc.) with the combined unit. She is a member on the regional venturer council & attended the national scout conference as a venturer representative. Most recently she helped to organize the regional venturer ball. Venturers is a big part of her life & we are very happy with her being involved. My ds#1 is old enough for venturers, but at this time choses only to attend SeaScouts. Our scout group runs scouts & venturers as a combined section. There are 2-5 girls out of the 25 scouts who currently attend. Some scout groups have 50% girls, but in our group girls are less than 10%, but we have a Young Mariner group right next door. Young Mariners are like SeaScouts for girls aged 8-19. Dd has been a YM for 8 years.




Edited by Deb in NZ
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Do any of you have experience with this? Or would 4-H be more appropriate for a 14 year old dd?


It sounds, so far, as if it's right up my 15yodd's alley, and down her street. :001_smile:


Much moreso than 4H.


It would depend on the child's interests, I guess. Camping, service projects, etc., those are all things my dd would be into, and since one of her friends is cajoling her, I think Venturing is in our future. (They're also trying to get ds to join, which would make life easier, having them BOTH do it.)


The group we're visiting is just getting off the ground, too. I also think that joining a group in the beginning sounds preferable, since it's more likely you can have some influence. (As opposed to joining an established group that's already set in its ways, lol.)

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Only just saw this. Yes, my dd is in Venturers. Here in Australia Cubs, Scouts and Venturers are all co-ed. Dd15 joined up to Scouts when she was 10 and moved up to Venturers at age 14.

She loves it obsessively, always has- when she joined Scouts she was the only girl for quite a while and had no interest in "boys" as such but she still loved it. (and, um, things have changed).

Our group hall is on the banks of a river and the kids all sail during the two summer terms and hike and camp during the two winter terms. Dd has learned so much, and has qualifications such as a skipper and coxswain licenses.

The leaders make all the difference. Good leaders- good groups- bad leaders- bad groups.

Dd has been a patrol leader in Scouts and is about to become the chairman of her Venturer group for a term. Fantstic leadership training.

Dd has been to camps and met kids from all over the world, literally.

I highly recommend it.

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