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Do you do anything for the therapist at the end of therapy?

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I think it depends on the therapist. Since mine makes $80 an hour, I don't plan on giving her a gift card. But what I will likely do is give her a small box/bag of chocolates and a short letter telling how the positve ways she has impacted our lives and how thankful we are that she helped our son grow.

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Tomorrow is the last day of VT and I am wondering if I should get her a gift or a card? What, if anything, do you do?


I've written a thank you note and/or had my child write one telling the difference that therapy made. Gifts, other than something handmade or very inexpensive are not appropriate. It is against professional ethics to accept gifts from clients. It is tricky if you give one to them--they then have to weigh the retail value of the gift with the balance of hurting someone's feelings... They might need to talk with a supervisor about it. Definitely avoid gift cards--since they are essentially money, that would not be acceptable.

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When dd7 finished speech therapy, her therapist was pregnant and quitting work to stay home with her baby. So we got her a card and Target gift card. We've stayed in touch with her because dd had 3 years of therapy and was bonded with her.


When she finished OT, she wrote the therapist a letter that basically said thank you and I'll miss you.

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I just told our OT "thank you for everything" on the last day. But then again, I have Asperger's so I never know the correct thing to do. I'm surprised I even remembered to say thank you, LOL. (10 years ago I wouldn't have remembered).

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I agree it depends on the therapist. We had one AMAZING therapist in Ontario that went above and beyond. She really helped my son a lot. On her last day I bought her a brooch/pin of a butterfly, with a note that read "thank you for giving me wings to fly" and had my son write his name at the bottom. She got all teary-eyed. :001_smile:


On the whole though, a card is sufficient. Out of 30 or so therapists we've had, I've only bought about 4 gifts for those truly amazing folks who took a personal interest in my boy and loved him. These are people who, well, how can I say this... it was their calling. They were gifted. It was not "just a job" to them.

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Oh gee, i'd be in trouble too! LOL!!


How much was the GC for? Dang, maybe i don't want to start all this therapy - i won't be able to afford it to END!



It was for $10 and my DS was thrilled! I think that was incredibly sweet of her. I feel awful.

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It was for $10 and my DS was thrilled! I think that was incredibly sweet of her. I feel awful.


I don't think you should feel awful. My son has done all kinds of therapy and I've never given a gift card or a parting gift. If he was working with a particularly dedicated therapist, I might have remembered them with a small gift on a holiday, but it never even occurred to me to give them a gift at the end of our sessions. Considering what you pay for these therapies, I think it was probably more appropriate that she gave a gift to your son.


Don't feel guilty!



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