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Treat pink eye?

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My 13yr old woke up with a slightly swollen, goopy, red eye. Through the day now the area around his eye has become a bit red, splotchy and swollen. It's been years since it's has been in the house.


Do I treat it? How? Or let it run it's course? Thank you!


If it is pink eye, it can get pretty bad really quick. I'd go to the dr. (even if just one of those quickie type clinics) and get some prescription drops. We went through this not long ago and the drops worked really quickly. The eyes are one area, I think should be treated asap.

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I have had pink eyes and styes so many times. W/pink eye it seems once you get it, you can get it more and more. Itchy is a big sign.


Usually I start out w/the warmest I can stand compresses. I would use paper towels, since you can discard. If that does not help swelling and goop after 24 -48 hr. I would go to doc. If it is pinkeye you need meds. If its stye, or infection. Sometimes the warm compresses work.


Dont mix eyes.

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It may depend on the cause too. I was told there were three types ... one that needs antibiotics, one that's caused by a virus, and one that's allergy or irritation-induced (like some speck got in the eye). I had no idea, but that's what our nurse said.


Couldn't hurt to call and ask. Around our house, it tends to be an allergy thing though, so we wash carefully (being extra careful not to contaminate the other eye and all that), and dose up on Benadryl. If it goes more than a day or so, we do call, but usually we can see improvement sooner. My niece, on the other hand, gets styes like there's no tomorrow. I'm not sure what they end up having to do.

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We use warm rags too, and if it gets worse or is at least not looking better by the next day then it is requires eye drops at our house. We just call the nurse at the peds office and she will call in a prescription for drops without seeing the doc, but I don't know if all of them will do that or not.


Hopefully the eye is better soon. Warning, the viral infections can take 3-4 days to get better and they tend to spread easier since they last longer *sigh*.

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We always use breastmilk for pink eye. A few drops applied directly to the eye, keeping the eye closed for a few moments afterwards to let the milk settle on the area. We treat it as an eyedrop, re-applying a few times throughout the day.


Doesn't have to be your own :) we always have babies around, so we have a steady supply. I know it might not work for you, or be something you are comfortable with, but thought I'd put it "out there" for any one else who might benefit from knowing.

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