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How do you deal with a friend who is competitive?

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I feel like an idjit so help me out please. DH and I were friends with another couple for a long time - we lived near each other, went to the same church, our kids were similar ages, etc. etc. I always had an uneasy friendship with the woman because she was so competitive - not overtly, but just one of those people whose life is so perfect & whose kids are so brilliant and have no failings whatsoever. Anyway, they moved away about 9 years ago and we have mainly just been Christmas-card-keep-in-touch-type-friends since then, which was fine with me.


Now they are coming into town next week for a mutual friend's wedding and we are having dinner with them. I'm already feeling so tense just thinking about it. I know it's my own insecurity, but she seriously makes me want to start being all snooty and obnoxious. Ugh. I need to be nice. Tell me it will be OK.

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She wants to hear that other people believe her life is as perfect as she is trying to portray. Treat it like a game to entertain yourself with, if that helps. All you have to do is say "that sounds great!" and "I'm glad you/they're doing so well!" and you'll have sent her home having had a nice evening.



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I think snottily competitive people are not really competitive, rather jealous, insecure and unhappy. I think the best thing is just to remain cool as a cucumber, focus on your inner strength and don't get sucked into the vortex of emotional entanglement.


Just acknowledge her accomplishments and be happy for her. Keep the conversation away from comparison. Don't feel like you need to tit for tat while talking with her. Overly competitive needy people are only about themselves anyways, so just let it go.

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She wants to hear that other people believe her life is as perfect as she is trying to portray. Treat it like a game to entertain yourself with, if that helps. All you have to do is say "that sounds great!" and "I'm glad you/they're doing so well!" and you'll have sent her home having had a nice evening.




:iagree: Put vasoline on your upper gum above your front teeth, a trick used by those people who need to smile easily all the time. :tongue_smilie:


If she asks about your family, just keep it very vague and general. We're great, things are good, we're blessed, a few minor setbacks but nothing that we haven't been able to overcome, etc. :)

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