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Desperate Prayer Needed

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Please continue to lift her family up in Prayer. I don't know what a father with homeschooled children will do without a wife and mother.


It makes my heart hurt. Please tell this family that there are so many of us sending them prayers and sympathies. Maybe knowing that they are being held in our hearts and minds will give them strength to go on. I'm sorry


Life is precious.



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TLCMom, you said you don't know what he'll do. The Lord has a plan and purpose in this. I'm so sorry for your loss, and grieving for you, the DH, the kids. I've known families in this situation, and because I don't want to minimize your situation, I'm not going to report on THEIR situations - just an encouragement and a praise that the Lord is faithful even when we can't see how he possibly could be. He is. He will be. I've seen it. You will, too.

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I know with the Lord's help he is going to get Annie's friends and family through this. It is just so shocking to loose someone who was so healthy to a sickness so quickly. She got sick Thurs or Fri last week. On Monday her back was hurting and she saw a chiro. He couldn't help her and suggested she go to the ER. She went to the ER Mon. night, was put on a ventilator sometime between then and the morning. That morning they gave her 50% chance, then her kidneys and liver started giving out and they put her on dialysis. And at about 7:30 she went home to be with the Lord. How can something like that happen so quickly in this day and age? It is so unbelievable. Please keep praying for the family. Her dh is also ill. The services will be this Sat at 5:30.


Life is precious and we don't know how much of it we have. Give your loved ones a hug and let them know how special they are. Don't be afraid to tell friends that you love them, you may not have another chance.


By the way, I love you guys!! Thanks for taking the time to pray, and please keep them coming.

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