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Ideas please for kitchen garbage cans for large families!

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Ideas please for kitchen garbage cans for large families!

(... one day I *will* initiate recycling bins ...)


My dh wants to use an outdoor garbage can as all the kitchen ones we found are so small.


I was thinking that one like that fast food places have would work great.

What do you all use?

Edited by 5KidzRUs
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We bought an outside can, the kind where the handles hold the lid closed, and use green trash bags. It's much more convenient and it has wheels. Our kitchen is small too, but with the wheels on the bottom, we move the trash can to whatever corner is not in use at the moment.

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We just use the regular with a flip top lid, I think it's 13 gallon (?). It is changed at least once a day. We put all of our cardboard in a different bin in the garage and we don't have a lot of packaging. I guess it would depend on the area of space you have available.

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I can't stand having garbage in the house so we have just a small trash can under the kitchen sink that is emptied after every meal. We use grocery bags as liners. Keeps things smelling fresher since it is emptied often. We have a larger can for recycling also under the sink.

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We use a standard 13 gallon garbage can. I figure we consume more than the average family so it's more important for our family than the normal family to recycle. Rubbermaid containers in the garage is all it takes to recycle. :) It appeases my guilt. And it doesn't cost anything. It'll make you feel good, take the jump!

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Trash compactor. It came with our house. We can literally get 1 week's garbage in 1 bag. It is awesome. It does not stink and if it should, there is a fan vent that whisks the odor outdoors.



I second this, the next house will definitely have one. No room right now!

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Another tip is to examine your habits to see how you can reduce the amount of trash you make. Cutting back on disposable products is a biggie, and saves quite a bit of money in the long run. Flour sack towels instead of paper towels, bowls with lids instead of Ziplocs or Gladware (or whatever it's really called), real cotton napkins instead of paper napkins, etc.


Since you asked, we use a standard kitchen size trashcan. It gets stuffed to the brim every three days or so.

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Trash compactor. It came with our house. We can literally get 1 week's garbage in 1 bag. It is awesome. It does not stink and if it should, there is a fan vent that whisks the odor outdoors.




I second this, the next house will definitely have one. No room right now!

I was going to suggest a compactor. I think you can get some that aren't really too big. I know a small family that has a free standing one, and I don't think it takes up more room than a regular kitchen trash can.

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we don't use one at all. We hang grocery bags from the handles of our kitchen drawers, and toss 'em as they fill. Free bags, quick turnaround, minimal smell. Also, we are dedicated recyclers, so we have a paper bag for cardboard, etc. and usually an empty dog food bag for plastics, cans, and bottles. Good luck in your decision!

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