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Can we discuss mean moms?

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I've heard a few women put their foot in their mouths, but I've not run into true 'mean' comments.


I'd like to think that's what people think whenever I say something stupid. :tongue_smilie: Something, I am pretty certain I often do. :glare:


Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't immediately assume the worst of each other? Do you think most women are capable of that? I mean this in all seriousness as I tend to have the nicest conversations with men. I have always gotten along better with men as I don't feel like they analyze everything I say ("What did she really mean by that...").

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Yes. Yes. A million times yes. I get this. And if you *don't* run out and immediately start rubbing bat guano 3x a day behind your ears, and spitting between your big toes, and hopping 4x around the garden backwards during the next full moon, not only are they incredibly offended, they then hit you with, "Huh. Obviously you don't WANT to get better. My mistake!" and stomp off in a huff to tell all and sundry that you actually prefer your disease because they offered you a cure and you turned it down and wouldn't even try it. You just like the attention for it, that's all. :glare:



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Want to hear something really sad?


A friend of mine lives in a very high end neighborhood. She is not in any way snotty. She went to Tuesday Mornings and bought herself diamond looking earrings for about $20.


She was wearing them out in the neighborhood right after Christmas when a neighbor and her husband came by. The neighbor said, "Your earrings are beautiful!" Then the lady jabbed her husband and said, "LOOK! She got new diamond earrings with her husband's bonus, you got a bonus, I want some too!"


She then special ordered some imported diamond earrings to the tune of about $45,000 or something very outrageous! When she told my friend how much they were my friend didn't have the heart to tell her that she could have saved her $44,980 by driving her to the discount store!





You guys are all so funny.


I'm beginning to think that it could be our upper income community. We're not upper income -- we're "barely surviving" income, but we have a small house in a upper end area.


Most moms, of course, are too tired, overwhelmed etc. to be snotty. But, boy, the competition here is real.


Who has the cleanest, most beautiful home? Best backyard? Coolest trips? Most gargantuan diamond ring? (One friend went on and on about how she could barely accept genuine, large diamond earrings from her dh at Christmas b/c of all the people in the world who could barely eat. She accepted them anyway. I took that as her way of announcing that her diamonds were real.)


I've asked my dh several times: can we move?? Nope, can't afford to!!



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In case I wasn't clear: I don't think all moms are mean by any stretch. I honestly think most of us are too tired, too involved in our own lives to make "off" comments.


I spend most of my days with genuinely sweet, caring women who adore their kids and value their friends.


I was just referring to the once or twice a year comment I get from a mom who is -- most definitely -- passing judgment on my parenting style.


And, no, I'm not talking about foot-in-the-mouth. I give loads of room for statements that just "come out wrong."


My sister, as an example, has no problem making snotty comments to people. And she admits that she knows she's doing it. One time, about a decorating thing I'd done (badly apparently) in my home she said, "I see what you were trying to do. It doesn't work. But I see what you were trying to do." (Um, I hadn't asked. Thanks.) :lol:


And often it isn't the comment itself -- it's HOW the comment is said that is offensive.


Thanks for the group therapy!



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Dawn ~ $45,000 diamond earrings??? Has that poor woman heard of the diamond cartel?


Diamonds are a faked-up "rarity." They're not rare at all.


See what I mean? Now there's a snarky comment I just made!!!


Bless my heart! (Earlier joke if you haven't read the whole thread.)



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Didn't read the whole thread.....but I moved from Pasadena, CA to Charlotte, NC 4 years ago so I have learned that phrase! :lol:




Dawn ~ $45,000 diamond earrings??? Has that poor woman heard of the diamond cartel?


Diamonds are a faked-up "rarity." They're not rare at all.


See what I mean? Now there's a snarky comment I just made!!!


Bless my heart! (Earlier joke if you haven't read the whole thread.)



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I can remember maybe a couple times I've met someone like that. I don't so much think of them as mean, as outspoken and perhaps, not aware of what is socially acceptable. Too quick to speak. It's nothing specific to the female sex as I can think of several men like that, also.


I think some moms are intimidated by homeschoolers. It's nothing we intentionally do, but there it is. A different way which we obviously think is best for our family, and sometimes it's taken as a challenge to someone else's choices.



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I have encounters from time to time with a group of moms who are very clicquie (is that a word? well you know what I mean, I think -- clickee). They intentionally have talked about their social plans in front of me and not included me -- multiple times. I'm not a weirdo, I'm socially involved, I have a good sense of humor, etc. And this happens at church. Go figure.


For example, I went to a social event at church, and sat down (by myself -- the room was empty at the time). This group of moms all came in, smiled at me, but then sat down on the opposite side of the room all together. I moved to the other side (why did I do this...? insecure?). One gal said, "oh, I wondered why you were sitting all alone over there..." Huh????? But then turned right back around and continued talking with the rest of ladies. I got up and moved to a spot next to another sitter-aloner lady and had a great conversation. :)


I think some people just never graduate from high school in some ways. I'm very thankful for my mature friends. I think in some ways it is simply immaturity.

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No, this sort of thing doesnt happen to me often- people making mean comments.

I wonder if some people just look like they are sitting ducks for someone else's frustration in life, and somehow they attract those sorts of comments to them. Maybe i look too much like a dragon or something.

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