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I can't believe it...

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I posted a couple of weeks ago about problems with our realtor. I called the owner of the agency and he assured me that our place was going in the next Real Estate Weekly and was going to get a bunch of advertising now that he had my tenant straightened out (our property manager had straightened him out months ago, but that is another story).


Well, we got a pretty good offer today! We are countering, but I suspect they will take it given the comments from the buyer's agent. This property was listed for a good 6 months last year with many showings and only 1 really low ball offer. It will end up selling for a lot less than we could have gotten 18 months ago, but we still will end up having made a bit of money and collected a lot of rent.


Please pray, send good vibes, or whatever you are inclined towards that this pans out and we get it sold.



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Thanks, Ladies. Even if this does not work out, we now know our price is good and the places shows well (you never know when you have tenants in place and you are long distance).


If it does work out, it really proves that having faith and pushing on when things look bad will turn things right again.


Our original plan, when dh quit teaching and we had to move out of school housing, was to either rent a place for us to live in and keep renting out our townhouse (it is too small for us) or to sell the townhouse and buy something for us to live in. We decided on the buy/sell option as we were having trouble finding a place to rent. Because the townhouse did not sell and we had already found a house to buy, we ended up having to use savings to make the purchase - savings we planned on living on while dh tried to start a business. He ended up having to take a job.


Sorry to ramble. I get that way. :tongue_smilie:


Again, thanks for the support.

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