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Oh Dear--Piggy seems sick. Soph?

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I noticed our piglet today stumbling a bit with an unsteady gait. She seems to have scours, but is still rooting and eating and drinking. She is resting a lot.


I called our vet and he suggested giving her some gatorade, which I did with a turkey baster. It was very hard to get just a little down her. She was squealing while my husband held her and I tried to squirt some down her throat.


We did change her feed when we brought her home. Any suggestions? I would be very sad to lose her. She is 5 weeks old.


Thanks, Soph.



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My husband who was a pig farmer for years said: gatoraid is right, get some young pig pellets (creep feed) and watch what you feed her. She is just off the teet and needs slow intro to any food. Do not let her overeat.


Wow! Thanks, HeatherLynn. Does he have any tricks for getting gatorade down her, or any insight into why her gait is unsteady? I'm assuming she is weak from the scours. Does he think she will make it? I feel sad. I know we can get another pig if something happens to her, but I love to have happy, healthy animals. I never want them to suffer.


Thank you for your help.



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He says try a baby bottle. Yes, her system is stressed and that is why he thinks her gait is off. He thinks you got her too early, she is stressed. Pedialyte works too.


Sometimes when they get sick, they go downhill fast. I hope your piggy is okay, but DH said to tell you they are very susceptible and die easily.

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I recommend you ask her here: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=63


She is more likely to see it sooner. Hope the baby gets better. We tube our sick calves--I don't know if there are pig tubes or not--we push a tube gently down the throat into the stomach and then put the electrolytes down it. If you do this, though, you must always have the bottle below the tube while it is being inserted and removed or you can get liquid into the lungs--a big no-no.



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Thanks, everyone. She is still alive this morning and her gait seems improved. She walked around a bit then headed back to bed. (She doesn't like the cool mornings ;) )


My neighbor tubed one of our calves a few weeks ago. It makes me nervous too, but I'm glad that option is there when we need it. I won't try to tube the piggy though. I may take her to the vet; I just can't decide. Plus, dh will have the truck and I'd have to put her in the van with me :001_huh: Not sure about *that*. She is a pig, and smells a bit like one.

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Hi Tracy,

Pigs are very sensitive to salt loss and bicarb loss which can happen with scours, so her electrolytes are probably screwed up leaving her with weakness and a strange gait. That is why gatorade works. If you are willing to have the vet see her I would especially if it is a mixed animal practice where they may give you a break on a piglet. The trouble with tubing in such a little one is going down the wrong tube! Cows are easy but pigs are not so easy, not as tough as horses, but not as easy. Trying different flavor gatorades may help too if she will bottle those. It takes 1-2 weeks for the gut to repair itself from severe scours like parvo, crypto, E.coli, salmonella, and whatever else pigs get that I can't remember off the top of my head, so be prepared to supplement her with electrolytes while her poop is abnormal. A vet could check a fecal on her too and I would talk to the people you got her from to see if the "know what is on their place" that she could have contracted.

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Thank you, Soph. This morning she is rooting and eating and walking with no stumbling at all. Ds saw her use the bathroom, and it is no longer scours. I might get another flavor of gatorade, just in case she decides to drink it :)


I appreciate your help!




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