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Motivated Moms--do you REALLY use this and keep up?

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I tried Motivated moms several years ago and then my computer crashed and I lost the stuff.


I am thinking of ordering it again but was wondering if those of you that have it really use it on a daily/weekly basis? Is it doable without being overwhelming? Do you find that it misses a lot of stuff that needs doing?


I have 3 kids--21ds, 13dd and 12dd. All have special needs but all are able to help with chores, read a chore list, etc. Actually lists work really well as they can read it, do it, check it off, etc. For all 3 of them, they have a hard time remembering the chores if there is no list to SEE and refer back to.


With summer break starting here today I want to get organized. I was working on a daily chore list for each child to print off--they still need check offs for taking meds, brushing teeth, putting on deo, etc.


If you have motivated moms, what format do you have and how do you like it?

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I had it once. At the time, my shrink and I decided for me to get it because I was trying to do EVERY chore every day. It was my way to control my world <sigh> Anyway, I dealt with those issues and didn't need the list after I figured out what "normal" was. LOL


I was thinking of trying again though just because I think we could use some better organization. One thing I did when we had it was to put a person's first letter by the chores I wanted them to do. This made a VERY reasonable plan really easy as we had 3 people doing it (hubby didn't) rather than just me.


Anyway, I look forward to the answers you get.

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I've been using it since January and my house is much cleaner and more organized than it has ever been. I don't always complete the list on the day it is supposed to be done (though that's usually my goal) but I try to do the majority of things by Friday. I have modified things a bit - I have to mop my bathroom floors every week which isn't on the list for every week so I just add that in. Little things - like my sheet washing day is a different day of the week than hers but overall I really like the format. I have the 8.5 x 11 one-page format and I just hole-punched it, put it in a three-ring notebook and it lives, opened up to the weekly page, on the top of my microwave.


One side advantage it that when I'm running low on something, I jot it down on the back of the previous page, so I also keep a running grocery/Walmart list now and am finding that I seldom run out of basic supplies this way.


About once a week, especially if I'm really behind, I gather my kids and have them pick chores off the list. I do have to laugh though, because if I tell them to do a chore and they start grumbling, all I have to do is tell them it's on the list for the week and then they're fine with completing it - it's like someone else has set the standards instead of just Mom.


I really appreciate that most of the jobs are small and take little time to complete but really add up. I can complete some chores between spelling lists, or right during clean-up after a meal, but they are things I probably wouldn't think of doing on my own. I've cleaned things since January that have never been touched since we moved into this house 10 years ago - isn't that disgusting!

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I have had it awhile, but have not really used it 'til last week. I cannot believe the difference in my house in just one week! It also removes a lot of guilt. I didn't have to worry about cleaning the shower on Monday because it was scheduled for Wednesday. My toaster needs to be cleaned, but I saw it was on the list for Wed., so I can stop worrying about it for now.


I'm also using it to assign chores to the kids. I don't give them the whole list, though. I made a chart of 7 squares across (one for each day of the week). In each square, I put what I want them to accomplish during the day. So, I have practice instrument - 30 minutes, read - 20 minutes, and chores. Under chores, I list 4 things. I pull them from the day's chores. As as example, DD's chores from last week:


Monday - replenish toilet paper in bathrooms, vacuum den, cat food/water, sweep entryway

Tuesday - bring down dirty clothes; put up clean clothes; clean bathroom mirrors; cat food/water (she had this one all week)

Wednesday - sweep dining room; clear stairs; straighten your room; cat food/water



Not everything on their chore chart was from the list, but the majority were. My DS has Asperger's and the short list has worked very well for him. I want to make it longer eventually, but 4 items is working well for now and helping me quite a bit. I do two weeks worth of assignments at a time. There is room for 4 weeks on the chart.


I have the half-size page per day planner, so it fits in my calendar notebook and also has a place for me to mark appointments and such. I just leave it open to the current day on the kitchen counter. That makes it easy for me to check throughout the day.

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It is now almost 5pm and we are about done with our chore lists for the day. I was gone from 9:30-1:15 today. Then we did horse chores, my 12dd rode for a while, etc.


We just need to get into a good routine.


Anyone else have comments on Motivated Moms?

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I love it.


I do not beat myself up if we get off track. In fact, at this very moment, it would be hard to believe we have any kind of cleaning plan at all. :tongue_smilie: (It's been a busy, busy week!)


But, it isn't hard to jump back in.


As long as most of the chores are done by the end of the week, I'm not too picky about when they are done. I do try to make sure that the items on the daily list are done every day, though.


I have the full-page list up on the fridge so the kids can see it. I LOVE the idea of putting the kids' initials after their assigned chores... or maybe I could use different colored highlighters for each of them...


I write in our weekly dinner menu; it helps me to plan it out and organize my shopping list. There is enough space on the full page sheets to make it pretty flexible. :001_smile:

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I have it and love it. I use it only sometimes. When I'm up and going, I keep at it very well. When things get crazy hectic, I can just do the things that I feel are imperative. After so many weeks of doing it, I don't bother printing it for my crazy weeks. The beauty of it is that it is CHEAP. If it stinks and you hate it, you're only out all of $8.00 (actually, doesn't it go on sale in July for $4.00?) I love that you can jump in at any point and see instant results. When I am overwhelmed with clutter and can't figure out where to even START, the MM list shows me right where to go.

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The full page has all 7 days' worth on one page, while the daily planner only has that day's, plus the list of daily chores on the side. I prefer seeing one day at a time. I think I was actually getting overwhelmed by seeing a week's worth at one time. But that's just me. :)


You can look at and print off samples from the products page. Just scroll down and you'll see the list.

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Do I want the 1/2 page DAILY planner or the full page WEEKLY planner? I don't want it so tiny I can't read it. I just need simple and easy to follow.


Maybe try printing off the samples they have at the website and see which you like better. I like seeing the whole week at a time... (Easier to work ahead or catch up for us that way... and also to use as the weekly menu planner... but we're all different!)

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That is a great idea. I printed off 2 samples and might look at 1 more type before deciding. I might like the week at a time one so that we can just do the chores on other days if we have a busy week. Easy to see and cross off this way. My kids are just going to "love" this.:glare:


Maybe try printing off the samples they have at the website and see which you like better. I like seeing the whole week at a time... (Easier to work ahead or catch up for us that way... and also to use as the weekly menu planner... but we're all different!)
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What things do you think need to be done around the house that haven't been covered by MM's? For instance, I'm pretty sure I don't need to change all of the towels every day. At the same time, I'm wondering whether a day will come where I'm reminded to clean under the couch cushions, kwim? How well has the list jived with what really needs to be done in your home?

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Good question. I think the towel thing is for your kitchen dishcloth/towel, not nec. all of the bathroom towels. I also don't do laundry more than 3 times a week, most of the time only M and Th.


Still trying to decide which format to try.

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Like, is it ever going to to remind me to dust my entryway furniture? We'll see, but for now I'm not worried about it. My toilets and tubs are clean and my kitchen floor is mopped. I'm good for now!


I know that this week has "vacuum family/living room furniture", so that would cover cleaning under the cushions. :) She seems to rotate deep cleaning projects throughout the weeks. DH was complaining about our coffee table glass being dirty, and lo and behold, "clean family/living room glass" is scheduled for today. Perfect!


As far as towels go, they are talking about hand towels, and it's every other day (except maybe weekends). I find that mine really do need to be changed that often. YMMV, of course.

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What things do you think need to be done around the house that haven't been covered by MM's? For instance, I'm pretty sure I don't need to change all of the towels every day. At the same time, I'm wondering whether a day will come where I'm reminded to clean under the couch cushions, kwim? How well has the list jived with what really needs to be done in your home?



I haven't found many things that are not covered - though I tend to do some things more often than recommended. For instance, I already mentioned that I must mop the bathroom floors once a week. Also, we have dark carpet, so I must run the vacuum much more often than the list which I think is once a week.


The towels are changed only every other day on the list but I do change them every day. I was just reminded yesterday to clean under the couch cushions and was amazed that I only found one pencil! It used to be treasure day when I remembered to do that particular task.


One thing I do that I haven't found on the list, is to move the furniture and sweep under it. I just automatically do that on the day it is listed to sweep and also about once a month I try to remember to use the attachment and go around the edge of the carpet. I haven't found that on the list yet.


There are some things on the list that I just ignore - baby books and scrapbooking just don't happen here. I also have yet to take the time to clean out the harddrives on my computers but I'm hoping one day to get to that.


I think that if you start using it, you'll find yourself modifying it to fit your own individual needs.

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