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Downloading Curriculum

Dowloading Science, Space Science, and Space Math Curriculum  

  1. 1. Dowloading Science, Space Science, and Space Math Curriculum

    • Yes, I would purchase pre-school level
    • Yes, I would purchase elementary level
    • Yes, I would purchase middle school level
    • Yes, I would purchase high school level
    • Yes, I would purchase from more than one level
    • No, I would not purchase anything

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If high level/high quality support/supplemental materials in science, space science, and space mathematics were available for a reasonable fee for PDF download, would you potentially purchase it?


Yes, I would purchase pre-school level

Yes, I would purchase elementary level

Yes, I would purchase middle school level

Yes, I would purchase high school level

Yes, I would purchase from more than one level

No, I would not purchase anything

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I'm still up in the air about this. There is a specific science curr. I want, but to get it I HAVE to d/l it (no hard copy). I haven't decided yet, I hate to waste the paper, ink, and space on my computer, especially since the few things I have bought and d/led for my youngest have turned out to be complete wastes.

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I love downloads and wish more publishers would offer the option. To me it's a savings because they generally cost less (and the difference always makes up more then the cost of printing them with my laser printer) plus there are no additional shipping costs and I get it right away.

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I love downloads and wish more publishers would offer the option. To me it's a savings because they generally cost less (and the difference always makes up more then the cost of printing them with my laser printer) plus there are no additional shipping costs and I get it right away.


That is almost exactly what I was about to say. I completely agree! I love being able to download ebooks and curriculum. I also think it's somewhat inevitable -- this is the way technology is developing and I'm happy to go with the flow. I'd rather things take up space on my hard-drive than on my already cluttered shelves!

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I really like curriculum downloads. We use some now and will certainly use more in the future. I like to see a full chapter/segment/unit as a sample, so I know exactly what to expect. But, we don't currently have any children with enough interest in astronomy/space to justify supplemental materials.

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I voted no. I don't really like downloading curriculums. Too many have shown a preview of a chapter only for me to discover that the preview was the best in the book and it went downhill from there. I also don't have a nice printer that prints cheaply. I also feel very comfortable finding my own extensions thru the internet and the library on topics of interest. For the times we have studied space and astronomy, I have used the NASA website and other well known science websites to gather what I needed.

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