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Warning for others: My glass casserole dish exploded. What to buy now to replace?

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I don't you if you've heard but apparently there's a big thing right now with Pyrex exploding in and out of the oven. A few days ago I had a glass casserole dish (not sure if it was Pyrex) sitting on top of the stove and all of a sudden I heard a VERY loud noise. Then I noticed that glass was EVERYWHERE. It reached into the family room next to the kitchen. There were big chunks and little slivers of glass all over.


On the news, people have been hurt by flying Pyrex. Thankfully, my back was turned and my family was at the far side of the family room. Just a couple minutues before that I was hovering over the casserole dish cutting off a small piece of meatloaf to try it since it was a new recipe. Thank God this did not explode in my face.


So I wanted to warn you about that and ask you what alternatives you know of for casserole dishes and cooking in general. I don't ever want something like this to happen again. I am going to start my research on the net for what to buy but I thought I'd check here first to see if anyone has any good cookware suggestions.

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So I wanted to warn you about that and ask you what alternatives you know of for casserole dishes and cooking in general. I don't ever want something like this to happen again. I am going to start my research on the net for what to buy but I thought I'd check here first to see if anyone has any good cookware suggestions.


Polish pottery. I've had one break on me, but the reason for that was that I set it down on too cool a surface straight out of the oven.


Polish pottery is a snap to clean and cooks oh so perfectly. Decorative, as well.

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In my case, though, it was user error. (I took it out of the oven and put it on top of the stove so I could finish raking leaves before dinner. Didn't realize that I had stupidly left the stove burner on and it had been on with nothing on it for 20 minutes. When I realized that, I tried to move the casserole off the burner, and that is when it exploded.)


I'm glad you are ok. Do you have a link to an article about Pyrex exploding? It never occurred to me it could do that without a mistake on my part.

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In my case, though, it was user error. (I took it out of the oven and put it on top of the stove so I could finish raking leaves before dinner. Didn't realize that I had stupidly left the stove burner on and it had been on with nothing on it for 20 minutes. When I realized that, I tried to move the casserole off the burner, and that is when it exploded.



That happened to me once, same scenario. The burner was hot, and so it was my fault. Other than that, I've used Pyrex, my mom has used Pyrex, my Grandmothers did, MIL... in short, everyone I know uses them with no explosions. I think user error is the culprit here. ;) So often people aren't heeding common sense and then get upset with the product for not being fail-proof.


I'll continue using my pyrex casserole dishes! I did replace my mixing bowls with stainless steel, however. The glass bowls were too heavy and I have young bakers starting to use the kitchen. :)

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Melinda in VT - here are 2 links







If you type in "pyrex explosions" on the net you will get all kinds of stuff.



My dish was at least 14 years old since I got it as a wedding gift. I have one other glass casserole dish that I'm sure is even older than that. But I'm afraid to use it now.


Some say the newer dishes are doing this, after 1998. But mine was older than that.


Mine was on a burner but the burner was not on. None of the burners were on but the stove was still on. After searching around on the net it seems these things have exploded under a variety of conditions, sometimes even in the oven. They say a hairline crack that you may not even notice could cause this to happen.

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Guest Lorna

This happened to me too.

We then got a lovely old seventies, heavy enamel dish from a charity shop and it has been wonderful. It is a 'charming' yellow with brown flowers and so seventies it is almost back 'in'. It is a great shape and size and always scrubs up well. I really love it although I have never seen anything like it new.

I had a le creuset once and dropped the lid on the first day. It broke in two. I thought they were supposed to be strong; obviously not strong enough for me!

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Dh and I heard breaking glass and thought one of our girls dropped something. We looked all around and couldn't figure out what caused the noise. Last night, when we opened our kitchen cupboard, there was our casserole dish, sitting all by itself, shattered. Very strange.

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Corning ware has worked pretty well for me.

I broke a glass casserole dish once when I was roasting a ham and at the end of its time in the oven I decided to add 40 degree pineapple with juice to a 350 degree pan--bad move, shattered all over. Dh came home and educated me on thermal stress (engineer that he is):)

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I caused a Pyrex to explode, but it was totally my fault, lol.


In a moment of sheer stupidity, I added cool water to a 400+ degree Pyrex.


Of course, it took me a split second to realize what I'd done wrong.


It was mostly contained in the oven.


I shut the door and told dh, "We need to go out to dinner now." ;)


(I have a Le Creuset casserole dish now. But actually, I still have two smaller Pyrex dishes I use on occasion. But I'm not concerned about them exploding unless I have another brain-lapse.)

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