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Science Kits for young children


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My DS6 LOVES to do science experiments. Me, not so much. He will be doing Apologia Astronomy along with big brother this fall, but the experiments included in the book are not really "fun", at least for DS6's level.


What I am thinking that I want to do is add a "fun science day" to our week. This science day does not have to really be related to our astronomy study at all, but rather just more of a quick lesson and the a fun experiment type thing.


I know this is never going to happen if I have to plan it and get the stuff together. I just want a kit. I want a kit where the experiments actually work. I want a kit where the experiments will be do-able by DS6, with me helping. I want it to a be a "active" type experiment, ie mixing, stirring, measuring, etc...just "doing stuff". I also want it to be under $50.


So any ideas on where I can get this or if it even exists?


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I too am kind of stuck in this arena. I've go Mudpies to Magnets and 501 Science Experiments in front of me, but am always putting it off as I never get around to gather the materials. I just purchased the 501 science experiment recently for $9.99 at Borders in the bargain section and it seems easy and simple yet fun and covers different aspects of science (eg. astronomy, biology, chem etc.)


I've seen these "My first.... kit" and they seem to have good reviews although most says that you can probably come up with the materials from home and that they're not very durable. http://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Explorers-1st-Science-Kit/dp/B00008ZCDO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1243665788&sr=8-1


I'd be very interested in finding better versions of this though or hear other ideas also.

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Have you looked at Janice Van Cleave's books? She has one in particular that might work: Big Book of Play and Find Out Science Projects - Easy Activities for Young Children. There are over 50 experiments in this book on physical science, nature, bugs and the human body. The materials used are just simple things around your house: bowl, ruler, paper cup, paper towel, etc. Very easy to use and put together in minutes. You can get a look at the TOC and 2 of the experiments online at Amazon. $13.57.



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What about these? http://www.academyofscienceforkids.com/index.html I may do these in the fall for my soon to be 3rd grader. I have heard good things and the kits have everything you need but the water.




I think we're going to use this next year, especially since with purchase of a kit you get access to Discovery Science Education. It's more than $50 though (about $40 more). Hope to learn more next month when they are at our local resource fair.


There has been a lot of talk on the forum about Sonlight's Discover & Do Science dvds. What about getting one of those plus the coordinating supply kits? I've found the dvds used from $5.


Good luck!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
What I am thinking that I want to do is add a "fun science day" to our week. This science day does not have to really be related to our astronomy study at all, but rather just more of a quick lesson and the a fun experiment type thing.


I just want a kit.


I also want it to be under $50.





Most of these are $39. The cluster kits (combining several kits into one major theme cluster) are much more expensive at $159. There are no correlated readings or suggested reading but there are experiments, experiments and experiments and everything you need is included. :001_smile:


I've not used them but, like a PP said, Sonlight's Discover & Do dvds, paired with the supply kit they offer, are supposed to be incredible. I don't think I've ever heard anything negative about them.

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My son LOVES the Science Wiz kits! We got them through Rainbow Resource, but your local hobby or craft store might even carry them.


The experiments are fun, fairly easy, and they work! So your child gets the satisfaction of successful results.


They offer Inventions, DNA, Chemistry, Light, Electricity and several more. Here's a link: http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1243688567-944204&subject=11&category=3001



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I think we're going to use this next year, especially since with purchase of a kit you get access to Discovery Science Education. It's more than $50 though (about $40 more). Hope to learn more next month when they are at our local resource fair.

Good luck!


Really, I though the kits came with the Discovery Education. Are you saying it will be $50 more to add this? On the website, it says coming May 1st, every kit comes with the Discovery Education.


I am planning on buying a couple at our fair in July. Can't wait. Last year, there were people all crowded around their booth so I never got a chance to look.



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Really, I though the kits came with the Discovery Education. Are you saying it will be $50 more to add this? On the website, it says coming May 1st, every kit comes with the Discovery Education.


I am planning on buying a couple at our fair in July. Can't wait. Last year, there were people all crowded around their booth so I never got a chance to look.




No, what I was saying is that the Academy of Science for Kids kits are more than $50, which is what the op said she'd like to spend. :) My selling point for the ASK kits was that although it was $40 more than she'd like to spend, it comes with the Discovery Science subscription. Sorry if I was unclear.

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Sonlight! All you need is the non-consumable kit (one time purchase good for all levels), and then for whichever level you decide you'll need the consumable kit and the DVD. You could get the experiment book as well but it wouldn't be absolutely necessary if you have the DVD.

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No, what I was saying is that the Academy of Science for Kids kits are more than $50, which is what the op said she'd like to spend. :) My selling point for the ASK kits was that although it was $40 more than she'd like to spend, it comes with the Discovery Science subscription. Sorry if I was unclear.


Ok see, you are paying much better attention than I am. lol I didn't even see the in OP.



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I'm not positive, but I think no one has mentioned the Usborne Kid Kits - my kids have really enjoyed the Science Experiments one ($15 - $20, depending on where you buy it), and it comes with almost everything you need to do each experiment.


Amazon also has a Science with Magnets kit for just over $10:


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