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What to do for 8yo DS w/attitude problem? Physical issue or should I tomato stake?

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This is fairly new (at least I feel that way). He has really started having a smart mouth, very unappreciative and acts "entitled" to things. This is usually my lovey dovey kiddo but school has been VERY difficult and his general attitude has me scratching my head and almost in tears.


He has been taking allergy medicine each evening (we've tried zyrtec, claritin, benadryl)...could those meds be affecting his actions? He is irritable in addition to his bad attitude. I'm also wondering if it isn't sugar issues (I have hypoglycemia and get real irritable when my sugars are off). I asked his doc about this a few weeks ago and she tested his sugar during the office visit and said it looked okay. He actually turns 8yrs Saturday and has his big boy visit with the ped on Monday. I'm going to ask her to do a full workup on his sugars.


What do you think? I feel like I"m losing him. He has such a bad attitude and is disrespectful now where he didn't used to be that way. He is very "out there" and unfocused and has trouble remembering what you told him to do. This has always been a bit present but definitely gotten a lot worse.


What about tomato-staking? I don't know much about that and from what I read on their website - am I too late anyway?


Any feedback would be much appreciated.



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If it were me, I'd follow up on the physical side and also do very gentle tomato-staking.


For tomato-staking, it's all about spending lots of time together and being gentle with him. I recently read "Hold on to your Kids" and I've picked up stuff from that book--about spending lots of time together and being sure to reconnect constantly throughout the day.


Guess I'd recommend reading "Hold on to your kids." I got a copy from the library.

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I definitely think the allergy medication could be playing a big part in this. I know if I was taking any of that stuff, I would be a complete mess! Out there, unfocused, trouble remembering... that all sounds like the type of reaction you might expect.


Best of luck to you both!

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Oh heavens. I didn't realize that 'tomato staking' was an actual term for some sort of parenting thing. When I'm frustrated with my kids, I've been known to say, "I should have raised tomatoes...you can eat tomatoes!" so when I read your title, I took it in that vein, and had this wonderfully fictional imagery in my head of a child staked out in a garden, labelled, "Tomatoes" lmao!


As to the rest...sounds like a reaction to meds or allergies to me. Def talk to the ped.

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How has his sleep been? The meds could be interfering so he's not getting enough quality sleep. Could you try some other way of dealing with his allergies, such as allergy shots? Do you know exactly what he's allergic to, and can it be avoided?


I would look at his sleep and at his sugar. Track how many hours he sleeps, when he eats, when he takes meds, and when he acts out, and see if you see any patterns.

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He seems to sleep okay. I didn't give him any allergy meds last night and he was much improved today. I did wear him out at the St. Louis Zoo, but there were many times when I had to say "no" and he didn't have any tantrums/breakdowns and was very respectful. Back to my cutie-patootie. I did give him some Sudafed tonight (he's complaining now of a stuffy nose) so maybe that will help.


I'm still going to talk to the ped on Monday but I'm glad to have my little guy back.




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He has been taking allergy medicine each evening (we've tried zyrtec, claritin, benadryl)...could those meds be affecting his actions? He is irritable in addition to his bad attitude. I'm also wondering if it isn't sugar issues ....



In a word, yes, both of those things (especially the meds!) can be causing what you're seeing.

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What about a nap time...well, not really a nap, but quite time.


My oldest has started napping again since they got out of school last week. He sits down for our quite time and ends up napping. I think it's helping his attitude ....

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