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POISON IVY homeopathic prevention?

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When I get poison ivy it is so bad, and it last so long. One time it lasted 3 months.

I got some Boericke & Tafel Oral Ivy (Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy)) 3x. It says for prevention 3-5 drops in 4 oz. water by mouth daily for 7-14 days before exposure and continue throughout the poison ivy season.

Does this me take every day all summer?

I do not even have to touch it to get it, I can touch the cat or dog and get it. I hope this works.

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Well, it sounds good, so good luck to you in trying it. I'm afraid that one can get poison ivy even when it's not the growing season, however, just from touching the bark of the plant or any other part of it. Also, if some gets onto a burning fire, the poison can get into your eyes that way, too.

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I am very allergic also. One thing I've done is to make sure I wash any of my exposed skin with soap & water thoroughly as soon as I get back inside, if I think I've been in an area that's infested with poison oak. And wash the clothes I was wearing ASAP - remembering to wash my hands & arms again after handling the clothes.


I don't know what I'd do if my dog were regularly bringing it in, though...

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What people are allergic to in poison ivy or its relatives is the oils in the plant. These can be spread on a dogs coat, the wind if its burned (that is the worste!) or left behind on the trunk of a tree where it has grown. You remove it the same way you remove any other oil. Soap removes oil from skin, good old fashioned lye soap removes more! If you really want to remove the oils, chlorine is great. Soaking in a pool that is highly chlorinated as someone mentioned can be effective. Also just taking some bleach and diluting it in water and washing with it. Be careful though, if you burn your skin with the bleach, it will make you even MORE susceptible!


Both my mother and I were highly allergic and I grew up in a rural area. We sprayed every poison ivy plant we saw and walked the woods a lot (wearing jeans and long sleeves). We kept poison ivy out of our cleared yard and gardens limiting our direct exposure. Any time there was increased risk we washed with lye soap and my mom often used bleach water. We still got poison ivy, but not too often.

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